Warm-Up3/31/15 What is a catastrophic event? Give 3 examples of natural events and 3 examples of man-made events.
Destroys plants in the area Kills animals or their habitats Releases contaminated materials from buildings Soil erosion, water pollution Dangerous emissions from burning debris Effect on Ecosystem: Tornado
Effect on Ecosystem: Flood Polluted runoff will be carried back into water Plants and animals may drown, throwing off the food chain
Aquatic (water) Ecosystems: Mixing of salt and fresh water Polluted runoff goes back into the water Terrestrial (land) Ecosystems: Soil erosion Kill mangrove forests; birds cannot rest there anymore Destroys sea grass beds Effect on Ecosystem: Hurricane
Kills native plant species Allows opportunity for invasive plants to take over Increase carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere Increased soil erosion due to flash floods Effect on Ecosystem: Wildfire