21 st Century Technology
Painting Uses Pixels Quality of image Changes Drawing Uses Vectors or Lines Quality of Image Does NOT Change
Programs assign each pixel to a point on a grid Grid is called a Raster Images are called Raster Images or bitmaps
File Extension = 2 to 4 letters after the dot at the end of a file name Example: picture.JPG The letters = a file format
BMP = bitmap JPG = jay-peg GIG = Graphics Interchange Format TIF = Tagged Image File PNG = Portable Network Graphics
EPS = Encapsulated PostScript SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
Large files = long download times Large files = lots of storage space used
Compression Lossless Lossy Resolution Resampling Resizing
Use a web-based image editing software such as fotoflexer.com to upload and edit a photo. (You can also use a sample photo provided on the Web site of the software) Save the original photo as 3_Apply3_original. Resize the image to approximately 150 pixels X 200 pixels Save the edited photo as 3_Apply3_web_based