Marie Jones Hanover College, Biology Department Hanover, IN 47243
Introduction Imperiled = 1:1 ratio of males to females If imperiled could aid dolphins Ensure they get enough sustenance Move to a better location Protect them in the area Interested in population in Florida Keys
Hypotheses H 0 : The sample data come from a population of dolphins with a 1:1 male to female ratio. H A : The sample data did not come from a population of dolphins with a 1:1 male to female ratio. H 0 : ∏ 1 = ½, ∏ 2 = ½ H A : ∏ 1 ≠ ½, ∏ 2 ≠ ½ INS/atlantic%20spotted/pk10565-D- atlantic_spotted_dolphins_underwater_brandon_cole.jpg
Objectives To determine if the sex ratio of a population of dolphins in the Florida Keys is indicative of an imperiled population content/uploads/2011/05/Dolphins-talk-language.jpg AAAAAABo8/KmC2wrdei7I/s400/Bottlenose%20Dolphins. jpg
Methods Sample Area – 500 m 2 section of the Florida Keys Caught to determine sex Dolphin Wranglers (riding giant seahorses) Aquaman Tagged to ensure no duplicates 8QkZJSwWs83tte5iepgKLtx2Q7mpPUPeySzC RTN_dHwaHzvarTA
Statistical Methods Used Chi Square: d.f. = 1 Χ 2 crit = Χ ,1 = jpg
Results Continued SexNumbern Male55 Female45 n100
Conclusion X 2 c 0.05 The sample data were not significantly different (X 2 c = 0.810, P > 0.05) from a 1:1 ratio of males to females Sample population was an imperiled population
Acknowledgements Dr. Rubino Dolphins Dolphin Wranglers (and their seahorses) Aquaman content/uploads/2010/12/dolphins.jpg