Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States Riga visit, 14 May 2003
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Welcome to Riga Photo: Santa JermičukaSilvija Kārkliņa, Īra Režais, Vija Glāzere, Ramona Gredzena
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Meeting Vaira Vīķe - Freiberga the President of Latvia Photo: Santa Jermičuka
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Vaira Vīķe - Freiberga, the President of Latvia and Jeanne Kohl-Welles, the Senator of Washington State Senate
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, the President of Latvia and Laurie McDonald-Jonsson, President and CEO Stellar Int. Inc.
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, the President of Latvia and Margareta Ling-Vannerus, member of Stockholm County Council
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Santa Jermičuka
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Baltic Mission delegation from U.S.A.
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Baltic Mission delegation from Sweden
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars SiliņšBaltic Mission delegation from Estonia
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Baltic Mission Latvian delegation
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Santa Jermičuka Aiva Vīksna (board chairperson NGO “Lidere”), Līga Menģelsone (director BNS), Tīna Mūrmane (finance director Hansabanka), Ingrīda Blūma (board chairperson Hansabanka)
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Santa Jermičuka Aiva Vīksna (board chairperson NGO “Lidere”), Zane Sakse (marketing director Oriflame Latvija), Rita Baroniņa (board member NGO “Lidere”)
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Santa Jermičuka Ilse Spritzendorfer (vice president BPW International), Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga (the President of Latvia), Sirje Küttis (president BPW Estonia)
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Meeting with Ingrīda Ūdre Saeima speaker and parliament deputes
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Gala event Culture and Folk Centre Mazā Ģilde
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Laurie McDonald-Jonsson, CEO Stellar International and chairperson of the board Center for Women & Democracy
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Jeanne Kohl-Welles, the Senator of Washington State Senate
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Ināra Ostrovska, LR Saeima depute
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Katarina G. Bonde, president and CEO Unisite Software Inc.
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Aiva Vīksna, executive director Applied Information Sercice, board chairperson NGO “Lidere”
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Christine Ingebritsen, associate professor, Department of Scandinavian Studies, University of Washington
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Baiba Rivža, chairperson of Council of Higher Education
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars SiliņšAiva Vīksna(board chairperson NGO “Lidere”), Katarina G. Bonde (president and CEO Unisite Software Inc.), Jeanne Kohl-Welles (the Senator of Washington State Senate)
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš Fashion house “ELVE”
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Photo: Aivars Siliņš
Baltic Mission: Sweden and Baltic States, Riga visit, 14 May 2003 Organizers: General sponsor: Supporters: