Utrecht 7.1.2015 / Nina Six Phases of a Project Enthusiasm Disappointment Panic Search for the guilty Punishment of the innocent Praise and honors for the non-participants
Following texts are from the application:
4 Synthesize the gathered information with literature and deciding pedagogical solutions The aim of this workpackage is to provide information for the content of the eLearning materials on three themes and make the decisions about tailor made pedagogical solutions. Goals are: Synthesize the existing relevant literature with information gained in previous WP´s regarding on the three themes (WP3) for e-learning materials. Decision about tailor made pedagogical solutions to enable the preparation of e-learning materials in the next workpackage.
4.1 Report on three themes Report on three themes according the information gained on previous workpackage, which is reflected by the workgroups with current literature. This report is provided for the next WP to P1 by lead partner. Report includes an information needed for the content of the eLearning materials.
4.2 Report on pedagogical solutions Report which includes suggestions for pedagogical solutions which fit for all partner countries regarding the eLearning materials. This report is written according the discussions and decisions made in thematic workgroups.
4 Timetable Synthesize the current knowledge base (WP3) with literature 10/2014-12/2014 (started earlier 5/2014) Decision making about pedagogical solutions 1/2015-2/2015 Reports on the themes 12/2014 (reports from workgroups) Report on the pedagogical solutions 2/2015 -or should these two reports be combined as one report (this was agreed with Jan)
Next (already started ) WP 5/ TAMK: Preparing the eLearning materials The aim of this workpackage is to prepare eLearning materials on the three selected themes: recovery, mental health promotion and prevention, families and caregivers. Responsible partners and implementation Partners are already familiar with producing and using different eLearning materials, so they are all involved in discussions while the preparation is going on and technical solutions are decided. Discussions are needed to find suitable solutions between the technical possibilities and pedagogical solutions. The content of the materials is based on the information gained in previous WP´s. ….
….Education learning services and IT services from Tampere University of Applied Sciences are responsible for technical knowhow, providing the Internet-platform and planning the platforms architecture. The platform is a technical solution already used in practice. At the moment, the discussions have been on the use of WordPress, however as the implementation of this WP is envisaged occurring in 2015, there might be other, newer solutions available. The eLearning material will include different kinds of learning material which are agreed according to the pedagogical solutions made during the WP 4.
5 Timetable Preparing the eLearning materials 12/2014-8/2015. First ideas presented 3/2015 comments gathered from partners by lead partner 4-5/2015. Discussions with Education Technology services 5/2015 according the comments, followed by the development of eLearning materials further until 8/2015 first version is ready . Look more accurate and detailed timetable in minutes (Utrecht 2015) This workpackage will be followed by the testing phase (WP 6) of the materials in practice and with students, before they are launched for wider use. Process of the preparation of eLearning materials will be reported to the steering group as planned and for the consortium.
Management of the WP Management of this workpackage is overseen by the co-ordinator as lead partner. Management includes correspondence and decision-making processes with partners and Education learning services while materials are under construction and reporting on the steering group. In the preliminary meeting the responsibilities for WP 5 & 6 were agreed to be on one partner, as it is rational that the same organisation is responsible for preparing the materials as well as modifying, finalizing and launching them.
5.1 Learning materials The aim of this workpackage is to finalise the eLearning materials with piloting and modifying. Outcome of the project are the eLearning materials which will be placed in Internet. The language of the materials will be English, as this language competence is demanded at Master’s level. eLearning materials contains the information on three themes described already in the previous workpackages. Besides the information gathered from practice, information from these themes in the literature will also be used. eLearning materials contains different kind of materials, according the pedagogical solutions made in the previous workpackage, like videoclips (expert interviews, lectures), cases, learning tasks etc. …
…eLearning materials are planned to enable utilisation in a number of ways, as apart of a course or module, as independent learning material, updating materials to be used by employers for employees or for the staff returing to professional mental health practice. As materials are located on the Internet, they are available for all with easy access (only self-registration is needed), but promoting of the products are mainly focused on the universities, universities of applied sciences and professional practice.
6 Piloting, modifying and launching the eLearning materials Piloting, modifying and launching the eLearning material are the aims of this workpackage. Piloting This will be done by testing the materials with the end-user target groups; students and professionals in each participating country and especially associate partners. eLearning material will be open for them for limited time (2 months) for testing. Comments and feedback are gathered by eForm and analysed by the leading partner with content analysis.
Modifying Results of the feedback analyses are then used to modify the materials accordingly, both from a technical and content viewpoints. In this phase discussions with partners are held about what changes are needed. The aim is to find a consensus; to ensure that materials are usable for as many as possible. Managing this discussion as well as co-operation with education learning services for modifications are made by the leading partner.
Launching Modified and ready eLearning materials will be placed on the server of TAMK (see separate figure). They will be available on the internet for a period of three years. Only self-registration for access is needed, containing background information like country, age, status of the user (Master’s student, other student, professional, other), first time user etc.
Management of the WP Management in this workpackage involves the gathering of feedback and comments from partners, who are responsible for gathering this in their own university and from associate partners in their country. Information gained from different countries are then merged and analysed by the lead partner. The results or the analysis are discussed together with partners, to find a satisfactory consensus for all. This step will be followed by discussions with education learning and IT services about modifications needed and launching the eLearning material.
6 Timetable Feedback and comments are gathered by the end of November 2015. Discussions and decisions about modification needs with partners in December 2015. Discussions and implementation with Education learning services about modifications, finalising the eLearning materials by the 15 of February. Launching the materials in the end of February 2016.
Before leaving Utrecht: Clear plann about eLearning materials -what is done -who is doing -timetable Etc.
Other activities: External evaluation Invitation to tender –and what has happened then… Email interviews to workgroup leaders (one / site) Progress report to EACEA Information needed from partners
And then it is more and more about Dissemination and Exploitation And then it is more and more about Dissemination and Exploitation... –and a new application
Dissemination/ conference participation Done: 2013 Istanbul conference/ Ingela 2014 APNN/ Nina Available: 2 156,00 2156/350 = 6 conference fees 2 878,89 2878,89/400=7 travel costs 5 452,50 5452,5/750=7 3-night accommodations etc.
2015-2016 Conferences ? NETNEP 2015 (http://www.netnep-conference.elsevier.com/) NPNR 2015 Horatio, Portugal (Nina can take care this without fee) Conference in Riga eLearning conferences ? INTED in Spain -before the end of September 2016 More detailed plan for conferences in minutes (Utrecht 2015)
2015 Oct/Riga/ Agnes? 2015 Horatio, Portugal/Jan ? 2015 Nov/Ireland/? (Brian going anyway) 2015 Dec/Berlin/Mari? 2016 NETNEP April (launch !)/ Theo ?
Saving money…. Some money has been saved as there has been less attendants in project meetings as planned. Maybe two options (need to be discussed with partners): 1. to have an extra project meeting if there is enough money 2. to use the money in the WP 5 (&6) if needed (students involvement ?), but remembering the regulations (10%). Second option as primary
New application Suggestion: Erasmus +/ knowledge alliance http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/documents/erasmus-plus-programme-guide_en.pdf Email concerning some other new possibility ? Starting the planning and writing the application 2015, deadline for submission early 2016. First meeting in the autumn, maybe Halmstad ?