Project description Database application to manage a DVD rental store.
Webster University, Database Applications COSC 4120, 2 Guidelines 1/2 Define the domain problem and business rules. Prepare and maintain a project plan, with WBS and Gantt charts. Produce documentation while working, and review it at the end. Produce: Use Case model, ER Model, Database and Database application with demos of main use cases. Each group will present the project at the end of the course.
Webster University, Database Applications COSC 4120, 3 Guidelines 2/2 The rental store application is used (include at least the following capabilities) by clients (through local machines or a web application) to check DVDs availability, rent/return DVDs, client DVD rental history, DVD fancy statistics and manage their account. by the shop employee to locate DVDs in the store. Users need to login into the system. Only the administrator has full access to the DB. Use common sense and practical examples to collect requirements and business rules, make assumptions, and state them clearly.
Webster University, Database Applications COSC 4120, 4 Exams and Project evaluation Midterm exam, Week 4, 25%. Final exam, Week 7, 35%. Course project, final deliverable Week 8, 40%. The project must be delivered on Monday Week 8, presentations on Wednesday Week 8. Each group member has to present part of the project, and must be able to answer questions about all the project.