Chapter 3 situations By Seyvon Jones
Case 1 Gomez wanted to sue Shapiro for failure to complete work under their contract but could not afford the expenses and time delay associated with litigation. What alternatives are available to resolve this matter?
Mediation, arbitration, or small claims court.
Case 2 June lost her case in trial court. She thought that the plaintiff, Sid, had lied during the trial. On appear, she requested that she be allowed to appear and explain why she thought Sid had lied. Will her request be granted?
No. NO witness are allowed before an appellate court.
Case 3 On may 7, Bart masters turned 18 . The evening of that day , he was caught stealing a woman’s purse. “don’t worry “, he told his friend Julia, “I just turned 18 they wont try me as an adult . Im too close to being a juvinal”. Is her correct?
No. Bart masters will be charged with as an adult because he is not under the age of 18. actually, in the eyes of the law, an individual turns one year old on the 365th day from his previous birthday other words, Bart turned 18 one second after midnight on may 6