Organizations of Persecution The systematic persecution is exemplified by its extension to every corner of society Jiang Zemin personally directs Important Units and Organizations Public Security, Procuratorate, Court (Click to Enter) Foreign Affairs (Click to Enter) Ministry of Propaganda Medium Persecution (Click to Enter) Ministry of Education Criticize Falun Gong in elementary and middle schools, launch a million signature campaign against Falun Gong to poison youths Army and Armed Police National Security Professional literary hatchet men against Falun Gong Atheism Association Chinese Human Right Research Association All the main medium organizations set up web sites against Falun Gong Association Against Evil Cult Members include high level cadres under the disguise of religious persons from the party and administration. Similar organizations rapidly established at levels of province, city, and even corporations and schools. People from various walks of the society were mobilized to join and to start campaigns against Falun Gong. “610 Offices” at province, city, county, and town Brainwash Centers (Click to Enter) Psychiatric Hospitals Selected articles on persecution of steadfast Falun Gong practitioners with nerve-damaging drugs in psychiatric hospitals Out of political motives, Jiang Zemin uses psychiatric hospitals to torture Falun Gong practitioners Cases of Persecution Over strides above party, administration, and army, disregard law and order, severely sabotaged the reconstruction of legal system. General Units and Organizations All the ministries, professional associations, religious groups, literature and education, science, law associations, corporations, entertainment, publishers, media, etc. Workplace Persecution Dismissal from work, withholding salary, taking back work distributed apartment, dispelling from school, and various discriminations (promotion, benefits, etc.). Kidnapping to brainwashing sessions. Party organizations, youth leagues, women’s associations, student associations, workers’ unions, neighborhood committees, etc. Organize meetings to criticize Falun Gong; everyone must write guarantee letters; anti-Falun Gong signature campaign Facts of persecution in selected regions (province or city) Heilongjinag Province Jilin Province Shandong Province Liaoning Province Henan Province Sichuan Province …… Statistics of Falun Gong practitioners killed in the persecution (Click to Enter) List and description of the Falun Gong practitioners killed in the persecution (Click to Enter) Persecution against women Persecution against children Persecution against seniors Persecution against students and intellectuals Persecution against cadres, party members, and soldiers Persecution against none practitioners Partial list of practitioners subjected to sentence Other types of persecution Create culture of hatred Create culture of terrorism Kidnapping, harassment, threatening, monitoring. Examples of luring Falun Gong practitioners in China and overseas. Using spy measures Using high tech to attack Attacking with computer viruses Attacking with administrative hackers Obtaining information using Trojan horse viruses Attacking websites of other nations in the name of Falun Gong Steal passwords of accounts and websites, long-term reading of practitioners’ s secretly or plant viruses in websites