Use of interRAI Community Health Assessment (interRAI CHA) Reports Webinar September 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Use of interRAI Community Health Assessment (interRAI CHA) Reports Webinar September 2014

WebEx Housekeeping Tips Move your mouse occassionally Put your speaker phone on MUTE (*6) Do not put your phone on HOLD Your screen should be showing a Participants panel and Chat panel If not, go into the panel menu by clicking the green tab Then click on the Participants icon to open the Participant box and the Chat icon box To ask a question during the WebEx, write it out in the Chat box and select “send to all participants”

Agenda Welcome Webinar Documents Objectives Background Information Overview of Reports What’s Next and Wrap-up

Objectives interRAI CHA Standardized Reports Webinar is offered to help participants understand how to: Interpret the interRAI CHA Standardized reports from Integrated Assessment Record (IAR) Review the assessment information specific to your organization Use the reports to inform service planning and quality improvement activities Identify potential data quality issues and discuss ways to address them

Introduction to interRAI CHA Standardized reports Background information Based on aggregate data from completed interRAI CHAs submitted to the IAR Reports are provided to each HSP submitting to the IAR TransForm Shared Services Organization (TSSO) produces and manages the online reporting portal The reports are produced monthly and are accessible on a business day between the 21st and the 25th of each month --

Introduction to interRAI CHA Standardized Reports How they are accessed Invitations were sent out to HSPs who implemented interRAI CHA and IAR HSPs were asked to complete a Reports Recipient Form Maximum of two people Email sent to HSP Recipients containing the credential information from TSSO Use the credential information to log on to the secure portal to access your HSP’s monthly reports.

Questions The Reports Can Help To Answer What are the most prevalent areas of need for the client population we serve? What service activities should we focus on? Is the service we provide contributing to positive outcomes for clients? Are we using a client-centred approach? Is the information going into the interRAI CHA accurate? What is most frequently triggered Clinical Assessment Protocol (CAP) for your HSP?

Early Stages: interRAI CHA Data & Reports Experience with Data and Reporting Knowledge and Use Advanced Reports and Use Data Completeness Confusion A We’re here

For each report we will cover… How to read each report Purpose Content Mock report Use Sample questions

Applies to each report ... The data shown represents most recent interRAI CHAs for Active Clients Includes only the latest interRAI CHAs completed for clients in the past 12 months Discharge assessments are excluded Generated monthly

Privacy Notice interRAI CHA Standardized reports are generated from completed interRAI CHAs uploaded to the IAR All reasonable efforts have been taken to remove direct identifiers from this report. However, the risk of re-identification cannot be reduced to zero. Therefore you are reminded that you may not use the information in this report by itself, or in combination with other information to which you have access, to re-identify any of the individuals whose information is contained in this report. Please ensure that re-identification will not be attempted by any authorized recipient before you share this report with them.

Report #1 Frequency of CAPs triggers

Report #1: Frequency of CAPs triggers Purpose To help you understand the needs of your client population by listing in descending order the frequency of all CAPs triggered

interRAI CHA CAPs Trigger Levels* Clinical Assessment Protocols Trigger Level Urinary Incontinence 3 = Triggered to Facilitate Improvement in Bladder Function 2 = Triggered to Prevent Decline- Higher Rate of Decline Expected 1 = Not Triggered-Continent 0 = Not Triggered-Poor Decision-Making Prevention 2 = Triggered Because Preventive Strategy Not Pursued and No Recent Physician Visit 1 = Triggered Because Preventive Strategy Not Pursued, Despite a Recent Physician Visit 0 = Not Triggered Cognitive Loss 2 = Triggered To prevent Decline 1 = Triggered to Monitor for Risk of Cognitive Decline Institutional Risk 1 = Triggered Informal Support * See the interRAI Clinical Assessment Protocol s Manual for description of levels

How can you use this report?

Report #2 Frequency of CHA Outcome Measures and Scales

Report # 2: Frequency of Outcome Measures and Scales Purpose: To help you understand the high risk needs of your client population based on frequency of the Outcome Measures and Scales scores

How can you use this report?

Report #3 CHA CAPs and Outcomes Profiles per Client Emergency Department Visits

Report #3: CHA CAPs and Outcomes Profiles per Client ED Visits Purpose To understand the needs of your client population according to the number of times they visited the ED in last 90 days (before their most recent assessment) based on frequency of: Clinical Assessment Protocols triggered Outcome Measures/Scales scores

How can you use this report?

How can you use this report?

Forms and Materials Access the CCIM website at interRAI CHA Standardized Reports from IAR Invitation to register for interRAI CHA Standardized Reports CHA Reports Descriptions HSP IAR Reports Recipient Form Accessing Your IAR Standardized Reports

Scroll down towards the end of the page ….

interRAI CHA Data Quality Toolkit What’s Next interRAI CHA Data Quality Toolkit

Data Quality Toolkit – interRAI CHA and Functional Supplement Toolkit intent: To provide a practical, manageable and meaningful way for HSPs to improve the quality and use of interRAI CHA information Toolkit measure of success: HSPs “walk away” with a plan to implement at least one strategy around monitoring interRAI CHA quality and using interRAI CHA information on a day-to-day basis for service that benefit clients served * Using the Data Quality Toolkit can contribute to an HSP’s overall Quality Improvement Plans

Wrap Up and Questions

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