Principal Parts, Tense, Action vs. Linking
Past: cross crossed
Present participle: visit (is) visiting
Past participle: discover (has) discovered
Past participle: repair (has) repaired
Present participle: operate (is) operating
Past: bake baked
Past participle: jump (has) jumped
Present participle: use (is) using
bury (present perfect) has or have buried
dance (future) will dance
worry (past perfect) had worried
hop (future perfect) will have hopped
What is the verb or verb phrase? Is it action or linking? The students seemed sick and tired of verbs. seemed-linking
Everyone was anxious for the dance. was-linking
She had grown beautiful orchids. had grown-action
We are never bored during lunch. are-linking
She could not smell the spaghetti sauce. could smell-action
Everyone looked exhausted after running the mile. looked-linking