Created by April Turner How to Fix Comma Splices.
to fix a comma splice you have to know what a clause is… a clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb he likes to watch movies
to fix a comma splice You have to know that there are TWO kinds of clauses: independent clause-a group of words containing a subject and that has complete meaning; it expresses a complete thought or idea “he likes to watch movies” dependent (subordinate) clause-does not express complete meaning; begins with words like “which” “whenever” “who” or “whom” etc. “whenever he has friends over”
Independent clause: a group of words with a subject and verb that expresses a complete thought John got a job yesterday He is so happy!
What happens if I run two independent clauses together with nothing between them OR only a comma between them? If you do that, you have created a Run On or Fused Sentence that might look like this: run on/fused sentence: Jimmy is the team’s quarterback I am a linebacker.
What is a comma splice? A comma splice is a type of run on sentence that tries to combine two independent clauses with only a comma. This is a big NO NO in grammar and writing. You will learn how to FIX this error in your writing!!!! It’s time to leave for school, we better hurry up and get to our bus stop. WRONG! Comma splice! A No No!!!!!!!
A comma splice tries to join independent clauses with ONLY a comma. His hair looks terrible, his clothes are wrinkled. (BAD! WRONG! Don’t do it!!!!!!) Question: so, if this is wrong, how do I fix this problem?
There are three ways to fix a comma splice:
Gotta know these!!!!! 7 coordinating conjunctions For And Nor But Or Yet So
1. insert one of the 7 coordinating conjunctions after the comma example: I like cake, but my sister likes candy.
; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;
; ; ; ; ; 2. insert only a semi-colon in place of the comma example: I like cake; my sister likes candy.
conjunctive adverbs????????? Here is a list of common conjunctive adverbs: accordingly, furthermore, moreover, similarly, also, hence, namely, still, anyway, however, nevertheless, then, besides, incidentally, next, thereafter, certainly, indeed, nonetheless, therefore, consequently, instead, now, thus, finally, likewise, otherwise, undoubtedly, further, meanwhile.
3. insert a semi-colon plus a conjunctive adverb in place of the comma example: I like cake; however, my sister likes candy.
I am singing; meanwhile, you are practicing your guitar. When you find the car keys, we will depart; therefore, please keep looking for them! Question: where are the independent clauses? where are the conjunctive adverbs? where is the clause that does not express a complete meaning? Where is the semi colon? where is the comma?
I have combined the independent clauses correctly. I love to run, _____my brother John loves to I think I know the answer to that question; __________, I am afraid to raise my hand.
Let’s try another one. Sometimes I get a terrible headache, ____I have to lie down for a while in a dark room until it goes away.
Fix this sentence correctly I have always admired Wonder Woman however I really like Batman the best.
No need to be confused Fix your comma splices…. 1., coordinating conjunctions 2. ; semicolon alone 3. ; conj adverb,
Fix the sentences with correct puntuation1 use semi colon Bob is very angry___however, he is trying to not say anything. USE COMMA AND A COORDINATING CONJUNCTION He is my best friend, ____ his brother is my worst enemy.