8:10 – 8:40 Wednesday, November 4, 2015 Science Journal Use complete sentences and reread your answer to be sure it is understandable.
Writing Lesson Being a Writer 8:40 – 9:25
Today’s Plan Hear, discuss, and draft fiction Explore how characters are developed Reflect on creativity in your own writing Ask one another questions about your writing Gather with your partners. Today you will need your notebooks, student writing handbooks, and a pencil. Face me once you are settled.
Read Aloud Today you will hear Just A Dream by Chris Van Allsburg. Earlier you heard The Wreck of Zephyr and The Sweetest Fig by the same author. What is unusual or interesting about the books we read earlier by Chris Van Allsburg? While I read this book aloud to you, I want you to think about how this book is similar to the other books that you have heard by this same author.
Discuss Character Development Who is Walter, and what do we find out about him? What part of this story tells us this? What happens to Walter in this story? What part of the story tells us this? How is this story similar to The Wreck of Zephyr and The Sweetest Fig? What part of the story tells us this?
Analyze an Except from the Story Open your Student Writing Handbooks to page 16 where a passage from Just a Dream is reproduced. Read the passage to yourself. Afterward will we discuss the character, Walter. What words can we use to describe Walter? Reread the passage a second time with your partner. This time, work together to underline the words or phrases that reveal Walter’s personality.
Revealing Walter’s Personality What words or phrases did you underline, and how do those words or phrases tell you something about his personality? What do the things that Walter says reveal about him?
Plot, Setting, Character Chart Last week you filled in a chart for two other Chris Van Allsburg stories. Today we will fill out that same chart for Just A Dream by Chris Van Allsburg. What happens in this story? Waiter dreams that the future is polluted. He then starts caring about the environment. When and where does it happen? His neighborhood/his dream world Who does it happen to? Waiter/litterbug/unkind (We are looking for more than a name here.)
Independent Writing 9:00 – 9:25
Writing Time Return to your own seats 20 – 30 minutes Work on a story you started earlier Start a new story Remember to develop your character by revealing how the character feels, what he thinks, what he says, and what he does.
Sharing and Reflecting Read what you wrote today and underline ONE COMPLETE SENTENCE that you feel shows your creativity. Each of you will read your one sentence aloud to the class. Make sure you speak loud and be a responsible listener. What sentence did you hear that got you interested in someone else’s writing? What questions do you want to ask a classmate about his or her writing?
Restroom Break 9:25 – 9:30
Grammar Lesson 9:30 – 9:40
Day 1 – Introduction Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. Using pronouns in the right combination with nouns can help you write smooth, clear sentences that tell who is doing what without being repetitious.
Day 1 – Introduction Subject Pronouns: I You He She It We They 1.Ruby loves pizza. Ruby is making an chicken-and- pineapple pizza. 2.Lukas is making a veggie pizza. Lukas is using peppers, onions, and olives. 3.Campbell and I like plain pizza. Campbell and I just add extra sauce. 4.The crust is made of wheat dough. The crust will get crispy in the oven. 5.The pizzas are ready to bake. The pizzas will take about 20 minutes to cook.
Day 1 – Introduction Object Pronouns: me you him her it us them 1.Mrs. Bellini checks the pizzas. She carefully removes the pizzas from the oven. 2.Mrs. Bellini cuts each pizza. She slices the pizza into four pieces. 3.Ruby gives the plates to Lukas, Campbell, and me. She also gives Lukas, Campbell, and me plenty of napkins. 4.Lukas offers Ruby a slice of veggie pizza. He hands Ruby a slice. 5.Ruby thanks Lukas. She gives Lukas a slice of pizza, too.
Vocabulary Lesson 9:40 – 9:50
Today we will: learn and use the words contented, uneasy, and soothe Review synonyms Build speaking and listening skills Use discussion prompts to build on one another’s thinking
In this part of the story, Winnie and the Tucks are sitting in the parlor; they are about to have breakfast together. Listen as I read this sentence from page 90 aloud: “Mae surveyed it all and sighed contentedly.” 1 st Vocabulary Word – contented
Vocabulary Word Focus: “contented” contented contented – satisfied or happy Contented, satisfied, and happy are synonyms. Mae is contented, or satisfied or happy, because her whole family and Winnie are together in the parlor for breakfast. “Mae surveyed it all and sighed contentedly.”
contented I want to share with you a few times I have felt contented.
Your turn: Think – Pair - Share Prompt: I felt contented when ________ because…
contented Write word on Word Chart
2 nd Vocabulary Word - uneasy Let’s review the events from page 94. “Mae sat down on the edge of the rocker, and Tuck sat, too, but his eyes were narrowed. Jesse said, uneasily, ‘Who in tarnation do you think you – ‘ But Tuck interrupted, ‘Hush, boy. Let him speak his piece.’” In this part of the story, the man in the yellow suit has come to the Tuck’s house to get Winnie. Let’s read this part on page 94.
Vocabulary Word Focus: “uneasy” uneasy – uneasy – nervous, worried, or anxious Uneasy, nervous, worried, and anxious are synonyms. Jesse felt uneasy, or anxious, because he was not sure what the man in the yellow suit wanted from the Tucks. “Mae sat down on the edge of the rocker, and Tuck sat, too, but his eyes were narrowed. Jesse said, uneasily, ‘Who in tarnation do you think you – ‘ But Tuck interrupted, ‘Hush, boy. Let him speak his piece.’”
uneasy I want to share with you some examples of times when I have felt uneasy.
uneasy When have you felt uneasy? Why were you uneasy? Turn to your partner. Prompt: I was uneasy when ____________ because…
uneasy Write word on Word Chart
3 rd Vocabulary Word – soothe Let’s turn to page 95 and review this section. In this part of the story, the man in the yellow suit is explaining to the Tucks that he knows who they are and that they live forever. Let’s look at this sentence: “He spread his long, white fingers in a soothing gesture.”
Vocabulary Word Focus: “soothe” soothe soothe – make someone or something calmer or less upset The man in the yellow suit made a soothing gesture with his hands because the Tucks were beginning to get upset, and he wanted them to calm down so that he could finish his story.
soothe Write word on Word Chart
When you soothe someone, you make the person feel calmer or less upset. Let me share a time when I soothed someone and when someone soothed me.
When have you soothed someone or when has someone soothed you? What did you or the person do that was soothing? Turn to your partner. Prompt: ________ soothed me when… ________ soothed me by… Discussion Prompt: _______ said that ________ soothed him/her when… and he/she soothed him/her by…
Reading Lesson 9:50 – 10:55
Making Meaning – Analyzing Text Structure Partner up and Meet as a Group Please bring your STUDENT RESPONSE BOOK.
What new information did we find out about the man in the yellow suit in yesterday’s reading? What new information did we find out about the man in the yellow suit in yesterday’s reading? Yesterday we heard chapters 16 and 17. Let’s briefly review the story. What happens when Winnie and Miles go fishing? What happens when Winnie and Miles go fishing?
Student Response Booklet Please review your questions on pages What questions have you written that you will be listening for information about today? What questions have you written that you will be listening for information about today? Today you will not write any new questions, but you will stop periodically and talk about what you have heard. We will revisit your questions at the end of the reading.
listen Let’s begin reading Chapters 18 and 19 – Don’t forget to listen closely!
Partner Turn and Talk What’s happening at this point in the story? After listening to pages 89 – 92 (Chapter 18)… listen Let’s listen to some more!
Partner Turn and Talk What’s happening at this point in the story? After listening to page 93 through part of page 95… listen Let’s listen to some more!
Partner Turn and Talk What’s happening at this point in the story? After listening to part of page 95 through part of page 97… listen Let’s listen to some more!
Class Discussion Discussion Prompts -I agree with ___________ because… -I disagree with ____________ because… -In addition to what _________ said, I think… What has happened in these two chapters? Important Elements of Fiction -character: person in a story -setting: where and when a story takes place -plot: what happens to the characters in the story (the events that make up the story) -conflict or problem
Class Discussion Discussion Prompts -I agree with ___________ because… -I disagree with ____________ because… -In addition to what _________ said, I think… What are some of the conflicts or problems in the story? Important Elements of Fiction -character: person in a story -setting: where and when a story takes place -plot: what happens to the characters in the story (the events that make up the story) -conflict or problem What do you think might happen next?
Analyze Independently! Review your questions from your Student Response Book pages Then put a check mark next to each question you think has been answered in the story. Student Response Booklet
Paired Partners Discuss the story in pairs using your questions in your student response book pages Think about what you heard in the story that might help answer your questions. Discuss whether those questions were answered directly or indirectly through clues. Student Response Booklet
Class Discussion Discussion Prompts -I agree with ___________ because… -I disagree with ____________ because… -In addition to what _________ said, I think… What is a question that got you and your partner talking about the story?
Class Discussion Discussion Prompts -I agree with ___________ because… -I disagree with ____________ because… -In addition to what _________ said, I think… Is that question answered directly, or did you figure out the answer from clues? What clues?
Class Discussion Discussion Prompts -I agree with ___________ because… -I disagree with ____________ because… -In addition to what _________ said, I think… What questions were not answered? How do you know? Do others agree that the question is answered/not answered in that way? Explain your thinking.
IDR – Independent Daily Reading As you read today, think about what you are learning about the conflicts or problems the characters in their novels are facing and how the characters are changing. You will write about what you have learned at the end of IDR. Important Elements of Fiction -character: person in a story -setting: where and when a story takes place -plot: what happens to the characters in the story (the events that make up the story) -conflict or problem
IDR – Independent Daily Reading Write a journal entry about the novel you are reading. Please include: – The title and the author’s name – What the novel is about – What you learned about: A conflict or problem a character is facing A change in a character, or Something else you learned about a character Important Elements of Fiction -character: person in a story -setting: where and when a story takes place -plot: what happens to the characters in the story (the events that make up the story) -conflict or problem Journal Entry
Out of Classroom! Lunch 10:55 – 11:20
Restroom Break 11:20 – 11:30
SCIENCE TIME 11:30 – 12:20
Physical Science Kahoot.it
Out of Classroom! Recess 12:20 – 12:45 Activity 12:45 – 1:30
Math Time! 1:30 – 3:15
Math Bell Work! 1:30 – 1:37
Math Chapter Review & Menu Mania Continued! 1:37 – 3:10
Pair-Up back to back and share one thing you learned in class today with your partner Pack-Up Office will announce: Car Riders – Leave around 3:20 Bus Riders – (listen to intercom for dismissal) 3:15 – 3:20Wrap Up!