Week Seven Vocabulary
Dude, it’s reading time! Begin your two column journal. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
1. arsonist (p. 197) noun- a person who is setting fires 2. silhouette (5) noun- an outline of somebody or something filled in with black or a dark color on a light background, 3. bleak (248)- adj.- unwelcoming, providing little comfort, shelter, or encouragement 4. untimely (256)- adverb- coming at a wrong or bad time 5. smolder (262)-verb- burn slowly with smoke but no flame 6.coverlet (262)-noun- a bedspread, typically less than floor-length
7.kindling (268)- noun- easily combustible small sticks or twigs used for starting a fire 8.insensible (294)- adj.- without one's mental faculties, typically a result of violence or sickness; unconscious 9.rouse (295)-verb- bring out of sleep; awaken OR to cause to feel angry or excited. 10.falter (297)- verb- to start to lose strength or momentum; move unsteadily or in a way that shows lack of confidence. 11. Comma splice- when a comma is used inpropperly, in the middle of a sentence. Just like the last sentence.
Silhouette Isabel was looking for asilhouetteof her mother in the grave yard. 1. What was she hoping to see? Why? 2. Listtwo synonyms for silhouette. 3. Name one antonym or phrase that describes the opposite of silhouette.
Write out the synonyms and complete the set with the correct vocabulary word. 1. Dreary, Uninviting, Desolate, ___________ 2. Ill-timed, Inopportune, Inconvenient, ___________ 3. Seethe, Burn, Fume, ___________
Answer them in complete sentences. 1. How does Madam Lockton demonstrate her own self-centeredness following Lady Seymour’s illness? 2. How does the author contrast the characters of Lady Seymour and Madam Lockton?
Write the quote with the following vocabulary word. 1. arsonist pg. 197 2. falter pg. 297
1. What does Isabel rename herself? 2. How is this naming important? 3. What action does Isabel take to secure her freedom? 4. Why is the ability to read and write important to her plan?