What is a cell? A cell is the basic unit of structure and function in all living things. If it is not made up of at least one cell…it is not alive!
Cell Theory says… If it is alive, it is made up of cells. That means that all the plants, and all the animals in the world are composed of cells. This includes us. We are made up of cells because we are alive. What are some different types of cells? …Let’s investigate!
Eye Cells Eyes of a fly
Muscle Cells
Nerve Cells Nerve cells will quickly let this little child know that hot stoves are not to be touched!
Skin Cells
Bone Cells
Cell Theory Says… Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in all living things. It means that cells make up all living things Basically it’s saying that cells give shape to all organisms. And that the functions performed by cells keep organisms alive. If cells make up all living things, this means it also makes up all plants as well as all animals.
Root Cells
Leaf Cells
Pollen Cells
Stem Cells
Cell Theory Says… Living cells come only from other living cells. It means that living cells create new living cells A skin cell will create another skin cell, etc. Dead cells can not create anything…because they are DEAD Let’s ponder some questions…
QUESTIONS TO PONDER? HMMM… How do you grow taller? If you get a cut on your hand, how does it heal? THE ANSWER… Cells make a copy of themselves. This process is called Mitosis (we’ll get into the details later) rue&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active
What’s the difference anyway? Theory Tested and based on results, develop an idea that could explain the problem. Can be proven true or false by others Theory of Evolution, the BIG Bang Theory Law Doesn’t need to be tested, because we KNOW it to be true Each time, it has the same outcome The law of gravity
INFERENCE Statement that tries to explain the observation.
Infer – Forming a conclusion based upon what you think explains an observation. OBSERVATION 2: I walked into my house and it smelled good. You could infer: Cooking/baking Cleaning Candles burning
Ahh…it’s Monday. Things to remember from Friday… What is a cell? What is the difference between a theory and a law? What are the three parts to cell theory?
8 Functions (in no particular order) Nutrition Secretion Excretion Movement Reproduction Response Growth Metabolism
8 Functions (in no particular order) Nutrition Made up of ingestion, or taking in food, and digestion, or changing food into a usable form. Plants ingest sunlight, water, minerals
8 Functions (in no particular order) Reproduction Producing more of it’s own kind Survival of the species depends on it
8 Functions (in no particular order) Movement Organism may move and materials inside also move
8 Functions (in no particular order) Growth Development and aging of organisms over time
8 Functions (in no particular order) Excretion Removal of wastes Examples: bathroom uses, sweating, etc
8 Functions (in no particular order) Secretion Useful chemicals made and given off Examples: snot, saliva, oils from plants, hormones, musk odors, etc.
8 Functions (in no particular order) Response React to changes in its surroundings or the environment Example: Blinking
8 Functions (in no particular order) Metabolism Exchange and use of gases Especially oxygen and carbon dioxide Helps to release energy from food