INFECTION CONTROL Ms. Bystrom Medical Careers
Microorganisms Organisms (living things) that cannot be seen by the naked eye. – Pathogenic: microorganisms capable of causing illness, infection or disease. – Non-Pathogenic: microorganisms that do not cause disease; “good” organisms that help keep balance in our body
Elements Needed for Microorganism to Survive Oxygen – aerobic (requires oxygen to survive) – Anaerobic (does not require oxygen to survive) Warmth Moisture Darkness Nutrients
Types of pathogens Bacteria: single celled microorganisms; simplest & most widespread – EX: E-coli, streptococci – Three types:
Virus Smallest microorganism; must have a host cell to survive – EX: HIV, Herpes, Influenza, Hepatitis
Protozoa Similar to a virus but larger; must also have a host cell – EX: malaria, trichomoniasis
Fungi Simple form of plant life – EX: molds or yeast (athlete’s foot, thrush, yeast infection
Parasite Organism that lives in or on another organism – EX: scabies, ringworm
Signs/Symptoms of infection Generalized infection: infections that affect the entire body – SX: headache, fatigue, fever, vomiting, diarrhea Localized: infections that affect only one area of the body – SX: redness, swelling, heat, pain at site, drainage (pus)
Body’s defense mechanisms 1.Inflammatory response: the body’s natural way of responding to an invading pathogen; tries to destroy and get rid of the organism 2.Immune response: the immune system protects against pathogens and abnormal cell growth 4 Phases of immune response: 1.Recognize invader 2.Growth of defenses (WBCs multiply) 3.Attack 4.Slow down immune response
Standard Precautions Set of infection control guidelines (measures taken to reduce or eliminate exposure to pathogens) to be used by all healthcare workers on ALL patients. – Treat all blood/body fluids as if it is potentially infectious – Use PPE (personal protective equipment) Gloves Mask Gown Goggles
Government Agencies OSHA: Occupational Safety & Health Administration – Ensures workplace safety/health by setting and enforcing standards, providing training and education to employers and employees CDC: Center for Disease Control & Prevention – Agency responsible for collecting data on pathogens and tracking the spread of certain diseases CLIA: Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments – CLIA ensures public safety by regulating all lab testing on specimens; guidelines establishing standards on all lab tests to ensure accuracy, reliability and timeliness of all patient test results.
Ways diseases are spread Direct contact: actual contact with the patient or his/her body fluid – EX: kissing, touching, sexual intimacy, eating/drinking after someone else Indirect contact: contact with microorganisms left behind from a sick patient – EX: handling soiled tissues, touching door knobs, droplet infections (vapors from coughing/sneezing are spread through air)
Asepsis The practice of reducing or eliminating contaminants Two types of asepsis: – Medical asepsis: process of destroying pathogens after they leave the body; daily infection control practices EX: handwashing, cleaning countertops – Surgical asepsis: rigorous infection control practices used to eliminate all organisms EX: sterilizing instruments, surgical scrub, maintaining a sterile field
Chain of infection
Methods used to prevent spread of pathogens Sanitization: scrubbing/cleaning area to remove visible debris Disinfection: use of chemicals to kill microorganisms Sterilization: using chemicals, heat or steam to kill all microorganisms AND their spores – EX: autoclave (machine used in medical office to sterilize instruments)
Forms in the Medical Office MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet – Form sent with chemicals that gives all details about the ingredients and precautions Incident report: form completed by employer when an incident occurs