T. Kovács 1, J. Somlai 1, A. Kopek 2, G. Szeiler 1, G. Pomázi, Z. Sas 3, 1 University of Pannonia, Institute of Radiochemistry and Radioecology, Veszprém (Hungary) 2 Balaton Uplands National Park, Csopak (Hungary) 3 Mecsek-ÖKO Zrt, Pécs (Hungary) 4 Social Organization for Radioecological Cleanliness, Veszprém (Hungary) RADIATION DOSE ORIGINATING FROM RADON AND RADON PROGENY EFFECTING WORKERS IN THE SHOW CAVE OF TAPOLCA (HUNGARY)
Entrance of the show cave and the lounge
The show cave of Tapolca
16/2000. (VI. 8.) EüM Personal dosimetry is required (inspite of the sources are terrestrial radioisotopes) in the case of the following workplaces: Spas, caves (therapy and show caves), underground mines, other underground workplaces
Radon reference level for workplaces: ICRP 65 (1993): Bq/m 3 ICRP 103 (2007):max Bq/m 3 ICRP (2009):max Bq/m 3 WHO (2009):max Bq/m 3 Hungary:max Bq/m 3
Radon measurements between 12/03/2003 – 02/10/2003.
Average radon activity concentration (kBq/m 3 ) 12/03/2003 – 02/10/2003. Annual average >1000 Bq/m 3 Aeration is not allowed Hazardous radiation workplace Dosimetry required
Annual radon activity concentration in the cave and the lounge
Monthly average radon activity concentration in the cave and the lounge (2006 – 2011)
Outdoor temperature dependency of radon concentration Cave Lounge
Outdoor air pressure dependency of radon concentration Cave Lounge
Annual effective dose of workers
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