Puget Sound Coalition Meeting December 8, 2014
Nationally, suburbs have become home to the largest and fastest growing poor population Source: Brookings analysis of decennial census and 2013 American Community Survey 1-yr Estimates data NOTE: The federal poverty threshold for a family of four was $23,834 in 2013
The trend has been even more pronounced in the Seattle region Source: Brookings analysis of decennial census and 2013 American Community Survey 1-yr Estimates data NOTE: The federal poverty threshold for a family of four was $23,834 in 2013
Regional Common Kindergarten Registration Campaign Starting MLK Tuesday Jan. 20, 2015
Please encourage teachers, principles, counselors and CBOs to host an Hour of Code event in your district! Computer Science Education Week December 8 – 14
Revised HS to College Completion Action Plan Priorities for work through school year: Early warning systems Increasing counselor capacity High school and beyond planning College Bound Scholarship communications Strategies identified by the Postsecondary Success Committee : Mandatory Orientation Education and Career Planning Proactive Advising
Our Coalition’s Core Principles: 1.State investments must be made cradle through college 2.Strong accountability for results 3.Encourage innovation and spread of best practices 4.Additional funding is needed