Natural Gas By: Michael Lin & Brittney Richards
Natural Gas-Source The source of natural gas comes from plants, trees, and small sea organisms that decay over time and sink to the sea floor. Then rocks form and turn into peat. Heat from the earths core change the peat into petroleum and other fossil fuels.These resources are transferred into underground pipelines which travel into your home.
Natural Gas-Efficiency & cost The efficiency of natural gas depends on how you use it and the equipment what you use it on. The cost of natural gas is split between the financial market and the physical market while the price also contains the price paid for the deliveries of the gas. The efficiency of natural gas depends on how you use it and the equipment what you use it on. The cost of natural gas is split between the financial market and the physical market while the price also contains the price paid for the deliveries of the gas.
Natural gas-Equipment The equipment used to extract natural gas from the ground are drills, rigs and pumps. The equipment used to extract natural gas from the ground are drills, rigs and pumps.
Drilling Rig
Natural Gas-Consumption/Usage The top consumer of natural gas is Russia with 19.9% of estimated world total and the United States is in second with 14.9% of estimated world total. We use natural gas around our home in things like Stoves, ovens and dryers. The top consumer of natural gas is Russia with 19.9% of estimated world total and the United States is in second with 14.9% of estimated world total. We use natural gas around our home in things like Stoves, ovens and dryers.
Natural gas-Advantages Natural gas burns cleaner than the other fossil fuels Natural gas burns cleaner than the other fossil fuels Natural gas produces 70% less carbon dioxide emissions compared to other fossil fuels. Natural gas produces 70% less carbon dioxide emissions compared to other fossil fuels. Natural gas is non-toxic and is not poisonous to humans if inhaled in small volumes. Natural gas is non-toxic and is not poisonous to humans if inhaled in small volumes. Natural gas is inexpensive when compared to coal. Natural gas is inexpensive when compared to coal.
Natural Gas-Disadvantages Natural gas is a highly flammable substance and it needs to be produced in highly managed circumstances. Natural gas is a highly flammable substance and it needs to be produced in highly managed circumstances. Creating and managing natural gas can be expensive. Creating and managing natural gas can be expensive. Natural gas is a non-renewable energy source and will run out eventually if our current usage levels continue. Natural gas is a non-renewable energy source and will run out eventually if our current usage levels continue. Natural gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless which can make finding potentially hazardous leaks difficult. Natural gas is colorless, odorless and tasteless which can make finding potentially hazardous leaks difficult.
The End… Questions?