Pictures of Auschwitz Main gate at Birkenau Concentration Camp “Men to the left, women to the right.” Families were separated here.
Pictures Cont. This is an entrance to just one of the many gas chambers. Dr. Mengele (Angel of Death) decided who went to the gas chambers and when.
Pictures of Auschwitz Camp 1 Auschwitz camp entrance with sign ARBEIT MACHT FREI. (Work Makes You Free)
“ANGEL OF DEATH” Dr. Josef Mengele SS Doctor who had power of life/death. He met the trains at Birkenau and decided who was strong enough to work and who would die. He liked performing medical experiments on children and twins in particular Some of his notable experiments include: 1. Sewing children together to make Siamese twins Sterilization of men and women and amputations performed without anesthesia Testing endurance of pain to high and low temperatures and pressure “ANGEL OF DEATH”
Pictures Cont. Fence around the camp of Auschwitz It was electrified. Elie thought of taking his own life by throwing himself into it
Pictures Cont. Crematorium Ovens at Auschwitz After Dr. Mengele did a “selection,” those that were gased were then burned in these. Prisoners called Sonderkommandos were ordered to load the dead bodies into the ovens.
Pictures Cont. Crematorium urns. After the bodies were cremated, these are the containers that the ashes were put into.
Image of a tattoo given at Auschwich