IFAT – International Pavilion at WEFTEC 2009 October 12-14, 2009, Orlando, Florida US Investment in Environmental Technologies America‘s new government is expected to make major amendments to environmental policies. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) claims that “water is at the heart of the climate change debate. It is a core part of both the causes and effects of climate change.“ President Barack Obama promised during the campaign to increase federal funding for water- treatment facilities. Further prospects for a greater federal investment in water infrastructure have risen with concerns about the nation’s flagging economy. Democrats have called for using water projects and other infrastructure work as an economic stimulus. The EPA expects investments in water and wastewater technology to exceed $10 billion. Environmental Technologies in the USA WEFTEC - the largest water quality event in the USA WEFTEC is the biggest and most important trade fair in the field of water and wastewater technologies. Retrospect WEFTEC 2008: Exhibitors 1,111 Visitors21,950 Exhibition Area26,942 qm VenueMcCormick Place, Chicago OrganizerWater Environment Federation Internetwww.weftec.orgwww.weftec.org Water Extraction and Treatment Water and Sewage Treatment Water Distribution and Sewers Measuring, Control and Laboratory Technology Services Science, Research, Technology Transfer On display: Book your space at IFAT-Pavilion now and present your products to the US market. Key Data WEFTEC
IFAT organizes International Pavilion The organizers of IFAT invite you to take part at the joint pavilion. Contact person: Messe München GmbH Ralph Urbanek Tel.: +49(0) Fax: +49(0) Please return the attached fax reply no later than April 6th, Rowstand: 760,00 EUR per sqm Corner stand: 790,00 EUR per sqm Minimum stand size: 9 sqm The service-package includes: Partition walls Carpet 1 Flat Literature Rack 3 Chairs 1 Table 1 Wastebasket Coat Rack Lighting Power Socket Company Logo Header Daily cleaning Access to IFAT-Lounge Standard Entry in Catalogue IFAT – International Pavilion at WEFTEC 2009 October 12-14, 2009, Orlando, Florida
FAX REPLY please return until April 6, 2009 IFAT – International Pavilion at WEFTEC 2009 October 12-14, 2009, Orlando, Florida Messe München GmbH Mr Ralph Urbanek Fax: (+49 89) Planned exhibition space: __________ sqm (Minimum stand size: 9 sqm) – P L E A S E P R I N T – Company: Contact Person:Title: Address: Postal Code / City: Country: Phone:Fax: We are interested in the IFAT-Pavilion at WEFTEC 2009, please send us the application documents. square foot qm 100 9, , ,02