Tea Party Movement Race Baits to Stir Nonwhite Hate! Photo courtesy of Jesse Russell in Madison, WI.
Tea Party Mocks President Barack Obama African Parentage Black America understands the coded Tea Party message that blatant racism is their mantra.
Choice Between Incarceration and Socioeconomic Parity Thug PersonaStudious Black Male President Barack Obama’s mother put him on the studious path
African American News Writer
A White Mother Who Developed An African American President Stanley Ann Dunham taught her son Barack Obama Jr. the value of quality education. Obama learned well from his mother both academically and as community activist. Ann Dunham’s vision of mainstream parity for her son is the architect behind Obama’s meteoric rise to the US President.
President Barack Obama makes time to go to soccer games to support his daughters The symbolism is clear that no job is too big that a father cannot make time for his family.
United States of America’s First Family President Barack Obama shows that the African American family can be a role model for all American families