Bess Beetles
1 out of 4 animals in the world are beetles.
The bess beetle is also known as the short-horned stag beetle, horn beetle, peg beetle, patent leather beetle, and bessbug.
Bess beetles live in decaying stumps and logs.
They chew on wood to eat the microorganisms that live inside the wood.
Bess beetles are around 1 ½ inches long.
The bess beetle is an insect The bess beetle is an insect. It has the three main parts (head, thorax, and abdomen).
The bess beetle has two sets of wings (forewing and hind wings).
Bess beetles are social insects that live in colonies.
They live in pairs and share housekeeping and larval care.
Bess beetles carry their eggs in their mandibles.
Bess beetles have a Life Cycle (egg, larva, pupa, adult).
Females tend to be a bit larger.
The adult lifespan of a bess beetle is 14-16 months.
They squeak by rubbing together their forewings and abdomen They squeak by rubbing together their forewings and abdomen. This is how they communicate.
Most of their life is spent in the dark.
Bess beetles have an exoskeleton.