ST. MARCIANUS & MERCURIUS Disciples of St. Paul the Martyr, Pope of Constantinople. Emperor Constantine II believed in Arius (wrong teaching about Jesus Christ). St. Paul opposed Arius - exiled to Armenia & martyred. Sts. Marcianus and Mercurius also opposed Arius. Constantine II ordered the 2 saints to be martyred. St. John Chrysostom brought their bodies and built a church for them.
Anba Abraam – Bishop of Fayoum Brought up as a good Christian Was ordained a deacon Became a monk at 19 yrs old at El-Muharrak monastery Lived a humble & pure life, with deep prayers Ordained a priest & Abbott (head monk) of monastery Improved the monastery spiritually & physically
Anba Abraam – Bishop of Fayoum Anba Abraam gave abundantly to: poor, orphans, widows, all in need Some monks were upset; they thought it was wasteful Anba Abraam was removed Left El-Muharrak monastery, went to El-Baramous monastery Ordained Bishop of El- Fayyoum and El-Giza Performed many miracles while alive & after departure
Anba Abraam – Bishop of Fayoum MIRACLES … Hung Coat on Sun’s ray Giving away more money to poor Complaints made to the Pope Poor eyesight, mistook sun’s ray as rope, threw his robe to hang on ray Almsgiving by Police Commander Used to give money to the poor to Anba Abraam After saint’s departure, police came to give money Found saint standing there to receive donation!
CHARITY Called “ ““ “father of the poor & the destitute” Gave m mm money, clothing and food to all in need He turned residence into a home for the poor Made sure his food was never better than food offered to the poor CHARITYPRAYER 2 FAMOUS VIRTUES: CHARITY & PRAYER
PRAYER Had great knowledge of the B BB Bible and other holy books Through p pp prayers many miracles were performed People from all over the world, came to receive blessing & were h hh healed Anba Abraam – Bishop of Fayoum
“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” 2 Corinthians 9:7 Anba Abraam – Bishop of Fayoum
WHY SHOULD I GIVE? What I have is from God, NOT my own To share God’s blessings with others To help those in need To obey God’s commandment: to love one another. We are all created in the image of God & are all “brothers” & “sisters” The more I give, the more I receive because the more God will bless me Anba Abraam – Bishop of Fayoum
WHAT DO I GIVE? Money Money Time Time Love Love Effort Effort Anything Anything Anba Abraam – Bishop of Fayoum
HOW DO I GIVE? I give with a aa all I h hh have I give with a aa all my h hh heart I give with a aa all my l ll love Without WORRIES … like the widow with the 2 mites WHY? Because I t tt trust in God … that He will take c cc care of me and provide for me That’s what makes A AA Anba Abraam a great SAINT!
This week … Make sure to pass on God’s blessings by giving and sharing with others … give with all your hearts! Memorizing We proclaim the Holy Trinity in One Godhead, we worship Him, we glorify Him, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless us, Amen.
Prayer Victory We PRAY because... Prayer gives us Victory! FIGHT and DO NOT GIVE IN to the devil’s tricks … Set a TIME - morning, before meals, before bed Pray while you have ENERGY - don’t leave prayer to the very end CONCENTRATE - quiet place & close eyes ROUTINE may be “hard” at first, but keep trying, it gets easier. Prayer is your WEAPON, keep using it, you’ll get better at it!