Nationalism A force of unity or disunity??
What is it and Where does it hit? Definition Grew out of French Revolution Areas- Latin America, Italy, Germany, Ottoman Empire (Balkans), and Russia
Sparks fly in the Ottoman Empire Greece demands independence in 1821 Most governments against revolution Greek Revolution popular around the world Lord Byron Britain, France and Russia help Greece gain independence
Ethnic Uprisings Belgians declared independence from Dutch Italians unite Germans unite Poles revolt against Russia many uprisings Czech Hungary
Reform and Revolution in France Radicals involved in uprisings In 1830, Charles X tried to return- failed Louis- Philippe Alphonse de Lamartine Louis- Napoleon (Napoleon III)
Reforms in Russia Backwards country- serfdom still in place Czar Nicholas I Czar Alexander II
Italian Unification Controlled by Austria and Spain Giuseppe Mazzini- Young Italy Camillo di Cavour Giuseppe Garibaldi- Red Shirts Problems After Unification
Giuseppe Mazzini- Leader of Young Italy
Camillo di Cavour- Prime Minister
Giuseppe Garibaldi- Leader of the Red Shirts
German Unification 39 states formed German Confederation Prussian king, Wilhelm I wanted reform Wanted reforms in military and needed money Parliament refused Looked to Junker class to help Chose Otto von Bismarck as prime minister
German Unification cont’d Bismarck assumes control Realpolitik Ruled without parliaments consent Very ambitious (power hungry) Picked wars with other countries for land Austria, France King Wilhelm I becomes kaiser Germany and Britain become powerhouses in 1871
Nationalism- A force of Unity or Disunity? Building of new nations- Italy, Greece, & Germany Breaking down of empires- Russia, Ottomans, & Austro- Hungarian Empire
Revolution in the Arts 3 movements in the arts in the 19 th c. Romanticism- shows deep interest in nature, thoughts and feelings Grimm brothers, Shelley, Lord Byron, Beethoven Realism- shows life as it is, not as it should be Dickens, Daguerre Impressionism- tries to capture a brief moment in time Claude Monet, Edouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Pierre- Auguste Renoir
Monet- 003
Monet- Japanese Footbridge
Monet- Parasol
Manet- The Guitar Player
Degas- Ballet