India’s first empires Today we are learning how the Mauryan dynasty built India’s first great empire
*I. The First Empire *2 invasions – taught the Indians a lesson 500 B.C. – Persians invaded the Indus River valley (India became part of Persian empire) *327 B.C. – Alexander the Great invaded – troops grew homesick, left, led to 1st great empire.
I. The First Empire *Chandragupta – Indian prince Conquered large area in Ganges River valley thanks to Alexander United most of northern India *Founded the Mauryan dynasty in 321 B.C. Dynasty – a series of rules from the same family
I. The First Empire Achievements *Pataliputra–Capital *set up a centralized gov. – *ran everything from captial city Strong army MI-6 – (007) – good spy system Postal system *Pataliputra–Capital
*II. Emperor Asoka’s reign *Asoka – greatest king (273-232 B.C.) *Unusual rule – hated bloodshed so he followed the teachings of Buddha *Achievements –history’s 1st great Buddhist king Built : hospitals for people and animals Roads for easy trade routes Shelters and put shade trees along the roads for travelers to rest Sent teachers to spread religion
*III. The Fall of the Mauryan Empire *Reasons for decline: *Leaders who followed Asoka were not good leaders *Kings made bad decisions that turned people against them Forced merchants to pay heavy taxes Seized peasant's crops *Last Mauryan ruler was killed by own general
*IV. Gupta empire *A.D. 320 – prince Chandragupta grew more powerful than others. Ruled near Pataliputra *Reasons for success *Smaller empire was easier to manage Wealthy from trade Prosperous cities (happy citizens) *Pilgrims –used trade routes to travel to a religious shrine/site *Golden Age – art/science began to flourish Brightly painted sculptures of images from the Upanishads
*V. Indian Literature *Vedas – ancient hymns and prayers for religious ceremonies Development of sanskrit led to Vedas being recorded
*Ramayana *Mahabharata *–longest poem (88,000 verses) written down – circa 100 B.C. Bhagavad Gita –best known section “ Song of the Lord” The god Krishna preached a sermon before a battle Duty –tells how nobles it is to do one’s duty even when it is difficult and painful Rama banished from kingdom by his enemies. Forced to live like a hermit in the forest. Sita kidnapped by the demon Ravana. Rama fights and defeats Ravana and they live happily ever after. King Rama – the perfect hero Queen Sita – the faithful wife *Contains many religious and moral lessons 2 famous epics – both tell about a brave warriors and their heroic deeds
*V. Indian Literature *Kalidasa – one of India’s best known authors Wrote plays, poems, love stories, and comedies Indian fables- talking animals characters present lessons about life. *Most lit. stresses importance of dharma Each person must do his/her duty
*VI. Math *Arybhata – leading mathematician of Gupta empire Used algebra *Developed idea of zero and created a symbol to represent it! Infinity – something without an end – explained by Indian mathematicians *Numbers – created numerals 1-9 Gupta Arab traders European traders *Algorithm – a series of steps that solve a problem
*VII. Science *Astronomy – followed/mapped movements of planets and stars Understood the Earth was round and revolved around the sun *Understood gravity Atoms- came up w/ the idea that the atoms long before the Greeks. *Shushruta – Dr. 90210 (1st plastic surgeon) Restored damaged noses *Doctors – Set broken bones, performed surgery, treated with herbs