Mock Exam
Slide IDs 15 Slides, 90 seconds each, 2 pts each (30 pts total)
Short Answer Sample Questions 1.Name the two main types of relief sculpture. Give examples of each and explain the main differences. 2.Explain mass and shape. Give examples of works that utilize both concepts. 3.Explain how a table top camera obscura works. 4.Discuss how the use of “montage” was used by Sergei Eisenstein in The Battleship Potemkin to express powerful emotion.
Sample Essay Questions 1.Explain the way photography changed over time from the first photograph to the digital age. Make sure to site at least three examples along the way. 2.Explain the two different types of perspective. Once you fully explain both, list a work that corresponds to each method and explain how perspective plays a role in the composition and meaning of those works. Make sure to explain how the composition and formal elements reflect the artists’ use of perspective.