Subsurface Presenter / date if required
Operator, consultancy and service company experience Subsurface Key Strengths Independent Operator, consultancy and service company experience Diverse global client base, asset types and terrains Integrated solutions focusing on maximising value Access to other value-adding, value-protecting or compliance assuring services Independent (in terms of client and technology) Staff with operator, consultancy and service company experience (insights into key processes and practices of a diverse client base). Multiple perspectives and focus on value delivery Experience providing services to a diverse, global client base involving a diversity of asset types and terrains - IOC’s, independents, governments, investors and financial institutions (onshore, offshore and deep water assets; oil/gas, clastics, carbonates) Providing integrated solutions that focus on maximising value (internal integration across disciplines – subsurface, wells and surface – and external integration with client teams) Access to other value-adding, value-protecting or compliance assuring services – environmental, safety and risk management.
Subsurface What we do Providing integrated field development planning, execution and production optimisation services that address transactional and asset lifecycle challenges Exploration Appraisal Development Production Acquisition and Divestment Decommissioning
Subsurface What we do Providing integrated field development planning, execution and production optimisation services that address transactional and asset lifecycle challenges Acquisition and Divestment Exploration Appraisal Development Production Decommissioning Data room – hosting, visiting and data structuring Portfolio review Technical evaluation Notional and firm development plans Asset valuation / high grading Asset competence persons reporting Reserves audits Environmental impact assessments / audits Support for asset handover and operational readiness assurance Production optimisation
Subsurface What we do Providing integrated field development planning, execution and production optimisation services that address transactional and asset lifecycle challenges Acquisition and Divestment Exploration Appraisal Development Production Decommissioning Regional studies Basin modelling Acreage evaluations Prospect evaluations Seismic acquisition design Generation of notional development plans Appraisal planning Data acquisition planning and support Well design
Subsurface What we do Providing integrated field development planning, execution and production optimisation services that address transactional and asset lifecycle challenges Acquisition and Divestment Exploration Appraisal Development Production Decommissioning Generation of risk and uncertainty management plans Value of Information (VoI) analysis Data acquisition planning and support Well design Feasibility studies Generation of notional development plans Asset valuations
Subsurface What we do Providing integrated field development planning, execution and production optimisation services that address transactional and asset lifecycle challenges Acquisition and Divestment Exploration Appraisal Development Production Decommissioning Feasibility studies Concept identification Concept selection Field development planning Data acquisition and operations support Gas utilisation feasibility, concept identification and selection Waterflood design and management
Subsurface What we do Providing integrated field development planning, execution and production optimisation services that address transactional and asset lifecycle challenges Acquisition and Divestment Exploration Appraisal Development Production Decommissioning Production system optimisation Surveillance and reservoir management planning Integrated operations planning Generation of asset reference plans Operations and maintenance planning and support Asset integrity management Debottlenecking studies EOR design, plotting and implementation Waterflood design and management
Subsurface What we do Providing integrated field development planning, execution and production optimisation services that address transactional and asset lifecycle challenges Acquisition and Divestment Exploration Appraisal Development Production Decommissioning Well decommissioning status evaluation and definition
Global Subsurface Lead Jon Rodd Subsurface Director Key People Andrew Sewell Global Subsurface Lead Based in London 23+ years’ experience Ex Senergy – 3 years (Head of Subsurface – Europe and Africa) Ex Schlumberger – 7 years (Geophysicist / Manager – UK, ME, USA) Jon Rodd Subsurface Director Based in Dubai 30+ years’ experience Ex Shell (UK, The Hague, Syria and Oman) Former PD Manager and Operations GM at Dragon Plc Former E&P Director at Prime Energy
22 years average experience Subsurface Team 29 team members 22 years average experience The staff come from IOCs (Shell, TOTAL, etc.), Major Service Companies (Schlumberger) Many have been working together for many years in predecessor entities: Horizon Energy Partners, Senergy.
Subsurface Our Processes Established workflows for different services A structured QA / QC process and milestones involving client personnel Strong project management including progress and cost reporting
The Americas . Europe FSU . Middle-East Africa . Asia Subsurface Global Experience Subsurface experience in The Americas . Europe FSU . Middle-East Africa . Asia
Middle range operators Non operating equity holders Utility companies Subsurface Global Experience Middle range operators Non operating equity holders Utility companies Oil and gas majors National Oil Companies (NOCs) Start-up and smaller companies Financial institutions/investment funds Middle range operators Wintershall Addax Island Apache Perenco Non operating equity holders HPI (now XTO) Dyas Faroe Petroleum First Oil Utility companies Centrica Gasunie GasTerra Nuon Eneco GDF-Suez, etc. Oil and Gas Majors Shell Total BP Exxon-Mobil ENI Statoil Repsol Occidental Conoco-Philips Woodside National Oil Companies (NOCs) ADCO EBN KNOC ONGC Start-up and smaller companies GBP, Elko, Equator, Mart, Gasplus, Avante, Tethys, Smart, Cirrus, Sahara Financial institutions/investment funds ABN-AMRO, EDP, Delta-Hydrocarbons, Credit Suisse, BNP Paribas
Active in Kurdistan for 5 years Executed over 25 projects Subsurface Kurdistan Region Active in Kurdistan for 5 years Executed over 25 projects 80,000 hours on Kurdish projects 40,000+ hours have been executed in Kurdistan MNR registration completed Erbil office in progress Personnel on the ground in Kurdistan Xodus have completed 25 projects on assets in Kurdistan (most are not shown as the clients are confidential) and have experience working on several more fields gained in other companies Xodus experience
Due diligence (seller) Subsurface Africa Due diligence (buyer) Due diligence (seller) Marginal field / onshore / offshore (shallow and deep) development concepts Field development plans Data room visits and asset evaluation Xodus experience
Subsurface North Sea Extensive subsurface experience Seismic interpretation / geo-modelling License applications Tight (micro Darcy) HPHT chalk Reserve audits Asset high grading and hosting data-room Audits of production forecasts Due diligence / peer reviews
Subsurface Global Experience Frontier Exploration Lamu Oil and Gas Ltd., Kenya, block L1 Frontier Exploration Our experienced and knowledgeable team reacts quickly and advises on appropriate strategies for exploring a frontier block in a timely fashion Project scope Play concepts to be targeted for exploration Review of regional geology and analogues Interpret legacy seismic data and tie with gravity, magnetics and wells Identify contractors for seismic operations Create ITT documents Bid evaluations, negotiations and contractor management 2D seismic design and parameterisation Overall supervision of field operations Processing supervision and QA / QC Seismic interpretation and geological modelling High grading of basin areas (basin modelling) Lead and prospect generation Exploration well proposal Key features Complicated rift and inversion geology Poor quality legacy data (seismic and wells) Sparse data and lack of well control Poorly understood petroleum system Logistically challenging area to acquire new data Time pressure from government as per PSC terms
Subsurface Global Experience Field Development YFP, Nigeria, Aje field Our multidisciplinary team recommends technically sound development options and delivers a field development plan on a tight schedule Project scope Data gathering and review of existing geophysical interpretation – focus on depth conversion Review existing and build new of static model Well test analysis / other Res Eng and dynamic simulation Aje-5 well location proposal and application to drill Conceptual FDP for Cenomanian Oil Project economics Key features Complex depth conversion resulting in volumetric uncertainty Building viable models with limited well and history data which reflected the range of dynamic uncertainty Fast iteration between subsurface and economic models for screening of development concepts Assistance with regulatory approval Delivering development plan on tight schedule to operator
Seismic Interpretation and Prospect Identification Subsurface Global Experience Supernova Energy, Guinea Bissau, Block 7B Seismic Interpretation and Prospect Identification Our experienced and knowledgeable team provides seismic interpretation to build a prospect inventory Project scope Review of regional geology and analogues; tectonics, depositional environments and petroleum systems Interpret newly acquired 3D seismic and merge with existing 2D project Lead identification and prospect inventory building Assist with farm out and data room Key features Complex geology off the shelf Heavily faulted section with detailed structural interpretation Carbonate reef, structural and stratigraphic traps all identified Lack of well control of the shelf needed experienced regional understanding of likely sedimentation and stratigraphy
Production Optimisation Subsurface Global Experience Private Nigerian Oil and Gas Company, Nigeria onshore Production Optimisation Integrated geological, dynamic and surface systems modelling for 5 fields in 3 onshore Nigerian licenses for an independent operator Project scope Project history review and identification of production optimisation work scopes for assets rejuvenation Seismic re-interpretation, petrophysics, well correlations, static modelling and conceptual reservoir simulation Wells modelling, review of sand control options, recommendations for gas-lift optimisation and recompletion Review of drilling performance, mud types, casing design and well pads items Drilling locations and wells design – preparation of drilling, completion and data acquisition programs Surface facilities design optimisation including water treatment and export pipelines options Economic evaluation of recommended development scenarios Certification of reserves based on Nigerian National Standards Environmental Impact Assessment and HSE plan Decommissioning and abandonment plan Field development plan preparation, submission and approval
Subsurface Global Experience Field Development Tullow, Banda Oil Rim, Mauritania Field Development An integrated Xodus surface engineering team worked for over 6000 hours on the Banda development Project scope Systems engineering Safety engineering Flow assurance Field layouts and routing Flow design Flow specifications Flexible riser specifications Umbilical specifications FPSO mods FEED support EPC support for subsea productions system Key features Xodus is performing subsea tie backs on flowlines to the existing FPSO Since completing the oil rim development Xodus is now working on the Pre-FEED and FEED for the gas development of Banda including a subsea and onshore study
Subsurface Global Experience Field Development Genel, Miran Oilfield, Kurdistan Region, Iraq Field Development A fast-track development plan for Genel on the Miran Oil Rim Project scope Identification of business drivers and development strategies Integrated subsurface realisations and options development Optimisation of gathering system and processing plant location Optimisation of capacity based on modular facilities Terrain based H2S dispersion analysis to determine injection location/strategy Optimisation of H2S reinjection facilities Materials selection CAPEX & OPEX profiles for economics Key features Small oil rim of larger gas field Fast track deliver to MNR – 3.5 months Identified key geological and production uncertainties, how to address during appraisal Early production system, pilot wells and optimise appraisal and production Development plan aligned to investment strategy (revenue/CAPEX)
Technical Due Diligence Subsurface Global Experience KKR (private equity), Europe / North Africa Technical Due Diligence An integrated Xodus subsurface and surface team reviewed a large portfolio of oil and gas assets Project scope Identification of business drivers and development strategies Integrated subsurface realisations and options development Optimisation of gathering system and processing plant location Optimisation of capacity based on modular facilities Terrain based H2S dispersion analysis to determine injection location/strategy Optimisation of H2S reinjection facilities Materials selection CAPEX & OPEX profiles for economics Key features Small oil rim of larger gas field Fast track deliver to MNR – 3.5 months Identified key geological and production uncertainties, how to address during appraisal Early production system, pilot wells and optimise appraisal and production Development plan aligned to investment strategy (revenue/CAPEX)
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