Sponge: Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 57 Topic: 12.5: External Ear Essential Questions: 1.Color code notes and Picture Bubble Map Figure 12.9 Auricle External Acoustic Meatus Tympanic Membrane 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules 12.5: External Ear Want EXTRA CREDIT??? Report Card Night Thurs 5:30-8pm Visit IB Art Mall Sign in Little Mermaid in Little Theatre Wed 6pm/Fri 6pm/ Sat 2pm Take a pic or ticket stub
2 Hearing Ear – organ of hearing Three Sections External Middle Inner
Sound Waves and Our Ears (3m 28s) 3
4 External Ear Auricle (oar-i-cle) Funnel like structure Collects sounds waves traveling through the air Directs them into the external acoustic meatus (me-a-tus) The external ear consists of all of the structures that face the outside
5 External acoustic meatus (me-a-tus) aka “ear canal” Passes into temporal bone Carries sound to tympanic membrane (ear drum) Lined with ceruminous (ser-room-inous) glands which secrete wax Hairs guard the tube Hair and wax keep large foreign objects, such as bugs, out of the ear A tickling on the ear drum
6 Tympanic membrane aka ear drum Vibrates in response to sound waves Reproduces the vibrations of the sound-wave source
The Outer and Middle Ear (3m28s) 7
Figure On pg. 56 Create Picture Bubble Map Color code to match notes Add the FUNCTION to each label Pg. 56
Now Hear This: Don’t Remove Earwax Reading 9 Read/Highlight/ Answer Questions Class Discussion Pg. 56