Mosques (Masjid): A Muslim Place of Worship
The Courtyard Usually square with a courtyard at one end The courtyard contains water for ritual washing (wudu) (In Canada this is indoors)
Dome and Minarets Usually has a dome and four towers called minarets ( reminiscent of the Five Pillars of Faith)
Mihrab and Quibla Wall The building faces Mecca. The Mihrab (niche) and the quibla wall indicate the direction of Mecca.
Decorations No statues or pictures of people or animals Adorned with geometrical patterns and calligraphy
Minbar (pulpit)
Prayer Hall
The Muezzin calls the faithful to prayer.
Call to Prayer “Allahu Akbar… God is the most great, God is the most great. I bear witness that there is no god but God…”
Friday services The Imam may give a sermon that deals with issues of today and an explanation of the Qur’an.
Prophet’s Mosque in Medina
Prophet’s Mosque (interior)