NWHPEC Board Meeting August 27, 2015 at Nike IHM In Attendance: Richard Carroll, Mike Funke, Brett Gantz, Steve Richardson, Alex Thomason, Julie Simmons Financial Update (Mike): - The Board reviewed the Balance Sheet & P&L. Q2 was a heavy spending month due to two Executive Forum’s and six Dan Miller sessions. Going forward, the spending slows down and we should recover a bit. Event Updates (Julie): Learning Tours: Woodfold hosted a great Learning Tour on August 18 th. The tour was sold out and 100% attended. Next up: Sept. 15 th at Columbia Machine. Columbia’s Learning Tour is 60% full at this point. Training Classes: Two classes are scheduled: Set Up Reduction at Climax Sept. 9 th & 10 th and TPM at Solar World Nov. 10 th & 11 th. Both classes are sold out! Julie received a request from Axiom to host an Intro to Lean class in October and will find NWHPEC instructors to teach it. Also, Julie is working on 2 Kata simulation classes: one using a puzzle and one using Leupold’s loop simulation. Leupold is building HPEC the simulation kit, which we will purchase from them. Executive Forums: The Sept. 22 nd Strategy Deployment Overview Session with Mike Hoseus is now full. The Workshop is not filling up and previously committed companies are finding they need to make adjustments to their attendance or back out. Mike is working hard to adjust the Workshop so it meets everyone needs. Julie will send out a 2 nd announcement adjusting the Workshop language to show it’s open to middle/practitioner level folks. Next up: Toyota Kata with Mike Rother on October 27 th. We’ll hold this Overview Session at our new location, Montgomery Park’s Banquet Room. Julie needs to find a Workshop host company as an initially interested company has had to decline due to heavy NPD activities in Q4. New in 2015: Julie has scheduled a four-hour session with Dan Miller and his colleague, Sarah Peyton to focus on Change & Transition and neurology. Sarah Peyton is a neuroscience educator and spoke for an hour at Dan’s last 2015 Lean and the Human Element session. The feedback from Sarah’s talk was fantastic and was absolutely fascinating. This session is scheduled for Nov. 18 th at Montgomery Park’s Banquet Room Leadership Session: Julie has scheduled Jeff Liker to deliver a Leadership Session on February 24 th. Jeff will present twice: once in the morning Leadership Session and second, in a mid-day middle/practitioner level session. Old Business: Brad Frank Leadership Session Payment: Brad did not charge us for his July 9 th Leadership Session and we agreed to make a donation in his name to his favorite charity. The Board agreed to donate $2000 to Brad’s charity. Julie will work with Mike to cut a check and send the donation with a card to his charity and Brad. Richard asked Julie to let the Board know when this happens as the Board might want to take the chance to thank Brad again and share learnings from his session. Website Update: Julie and Luke are still working hard on the new website. Lots of details to work out, correct, and test. Julie showed the Board the site in its current state and received their support to continue on, as well as a bit of feedback on a few items. A link will be sent to the Board to access the site prior to its release. Julie and Luke are targeting a release date of Labor Day weekend! New Board Director Update: Welcome Steve! Steve joined this Board meeting and we’re happy to have him on Board. Rick Alvarado will start onboarding in November to formally join the Board in January. Event Space Update: Julie has found a new and large meeting space for our Executive Forum’s: Montgomery Park’s Banquet Room. The room easily holds 90 people classroom style, has onsite catering, and ample parking. The room itself has a white screen, but not a mounted InFocus machine or microphone. It sounds like they are considering upgrading the room to include these items, but we will have to rent them for our October and November sessions. Julie is continuing to look at alternate locations as other options. New Business: New Member: OHSU is joining NWHPEC! Member Survey: Julie will send out our annual survey in September. AME W. Region Request: The W. Region’s current President is stepping down and has asked Julie to fill the role for AME is currently going through strategic planning to set their vision, identify what their members want, and what they’re trying to achieve. Much of the “old guard” is no longer with AME, so they’re prime to have a strong voice to help guide their strategy. The Board supported Julie in taking this role for 2016.