г.Yundola - Bulgaria1 Country report - Bulgaria This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria2 During the preparation stage was translated and completed all documents, connected with the Methodology of Case Forest. Казусът Гора Горите играят важна роля в устойчивото общество, поради техните икономически, екологични, социални и културни ценности. В този проект ние искаме да се създаде метод, който да подпомогне обучението и да подобри знанията за горите на младите хора и те да разберат какво влияние оказват горите върху всички нас в ежедневния живот. Проектът се основава на проблемно базирана методология, която е разработена в Университета в Йоенсу във Финландия. В проекта ще се тества и ще се адаптира към националните условия разработената методология във всички страни партньори.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria3 The teacher course was provided during October 2009 at the Education Experimental Forest Enterprise “Petrohan”, at the University of Forestry, village Barzia, region Montana
г.Yundola - Bulgaria4 There participated teachers from Professional Forestry Schools from different regions of Bulgaria – Berkovitza, Velingrad, Batak, Bansko, Nova Zagora, Haskovo, Varna, Teteven and from Ministry of Agriculture and Foods.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria5 From the project participated Assoc. Prof. N. Stoyanov, Assoc. Prof. R. Milchev and eng. A. Ferezliev, who are responsible for the course.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria6 During the course was presented the objectives and implementation of the project and the Case Forest Methodology. There was presented the following presentations:
г.Yundola - Bulgaria7 Presentation of project “Case Forest- pedagogics towards sustainable development” - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nickola Stoyanov
г.Yundola - Bulgaria8 CASE FOREST methodology and project learning in forests - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nickola Stoyanov, Eng. Angel Ferezliev, Assoc. Prof. Radoslav Milchev
г.Yundola - Bulgaria9 How to use web page of the project “Case Forest- pedagogics towards sustainable development” (in Bulgarian) and the connections with web pages of partners Assoc. Prof. Dr. Radoslav Milchev
г.Yundola - Bulgaria10 Vice Director of the Enterprise pesent the Education Experimental Forest Enterprise “Petrohan”.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria11 Each participant received complect of translated materials about Case Forest Methodology. Especially for the teacher course and for dissemenation of goals and methodology of the project was created web page with materials for the course.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria12 The participants were divided in two teams and during the visit in different places and objects of the enterprise they collect materials and make presentations using the Case Forest methodology.
Час по лесоползване. Учителката преподава за гъбите!
Урокът е интересен! Учениците са заинтригувани! Внимателно записват, кои от гъбите са ядливи и кои отровни!
Един ученик е зает с други “ занимания” !
Класът наблюдава гъбите, а нашият герой...отново е зает!
В гората! Учениците осъществяват практическо разпознаване на гъбите!
“Любознателният” наш приятел е...запленен: -Каква неистова красота!
-Сигурно е много вкусна тази “булка гъба”?
Който не внимава хапна вместо “булка гъба”- “червена мухоморка”!
Разбрахте ли, колко важни с знанията за гъбите!
Актьори: Паулина Поптомова Невена Димова Мария Кукова Ангел Ферезлиев
г.Yundola - Bulgaria27 Did you learn something new during the course? No, nothing Yes, everything was new to me
г.Yundola - Bulgaria28 Will you use something you learned during the course in your work? No, nothing was useful Yes, I will try everything
г.Yundola - Bulgaria29 What do you think about the Case Forest methodology? Very bad Very good
г.Yundola - Bulgaria30 Can you see any problems using the Case Forest methodology in your school? 4 Yes 8 No Please motivate: Yes, obligatory programs. Yes, obligatory educational programs. Yes, educational programs are confirmed preliminary. Yes, we may to use the methodology as education as without class form.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria31 What is good with the Case Forest methodology? Mark here if you think that nothing is good! The level of material is understand. The lectures are very good. This is an innovation – very interesting way to educate. The connection nature – science is good. This way will be interesting for pupils and they will study more. It is assured other possibility for learning with goals to increase the interest of pupils. Non traditional way for education, which will be interesting for pupils. The methodology can be implemented and this will be interesting for the pupils. Something new and interesting. This method bring many innovations and actual possibility for receiving knowledge. New and interesting method for education as well for teachers and for the pupils. Innovative method for education. Use new approach and way for thinking.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria32 Do you think the course was well arranged? No, not at all Yes, everything was perfect
г.Yundola - Bulgaria33 How well has the course full filled the expectations you had before the course? In a very low degree In a very high degree
г.Yundola - Bulgaria34 Have you taught about forests before? No, never Yes, many times Commments. Not in the same way.
г.Yundola - Bulgaria35 Have you taught about sustainable development before? No, never Yes, many times
г.Yundola - Bulgaria36 What does sustainable development mean for you ? The forest preserved for the future generations. The future of the planet. The sustainable development is that in which there are guarantied preservation of habitats, populations, biosphere as hall. We can to use in such way, in order to preserve the nature for our children and for the next generations. Preservation of forests, enriching flora and fauna, the right way to use forests and forest resources. The sustainable development is ecological using, which preserve forest and biodiversity in it, helping the regenerations processes in it, preservation of forest for the future generations as a place for recreation and turizm. The forest as aggregate of wood species, animal species and way for moderate using of their resources. I understand this concept from economic point of view. Aggregate of ecological, social, political etc. problems, implemented at different approaches for work in the forests. Such using of natural resources in order to preserve it for the future generations. Permanent and constant using. Preservation of natural resources for the future generations.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! г.Yundola - Bulgaria37