Data Design and Implementation
Definitions Atomic or primitive type A data type whose elements are single, non-decomposable data items Composite type A data type whose elements are composed of multiple data items Structured composite type An organized collection of components in which the organization determines the means of accessing individual data components or subsets of the collection 2
Atomic (Simple) and Composite Data Types 3
Java’s Built-In Types 4
Definitions Data abstraction The separation of a data type’s logical properties from its implementation Data encapsulation The separation of the representation of data from the applications that use the data - a feature that enforces information hiding 5
Collections A collection is an object that serves as a repository for other objects. The Java Collections Framework contains classes that represent collections of objects. In general, a collection refers to an object whose role is to provide methods to add, remove and manage the elements that are in the collection. 6
Collections The ArrayList class in the Collections Framework represents a collection that is implemented with an array. Some collections are homogeneous – that is they contain objects all of the same type., others are heterogeneous – e.g. a ArrayList – so they can contain objects of different types. 7
Collections & ADT’s Collections can be implemented in a variety of ways. The ArrayList uses an array. All operations are performed by using the methods that perform operations on array. A data structure is a way to organize and access data A structure that is supposed to store a collection of numbers in order should never allow unordered numbers to occur 8
9 An abstract data type is a collection of data and the particular operations that are allowed on that data. An ADT, therefore has a name, a domain of values(data) and a set of operations that can be performed (methods) on the data An ADT is considered abstract because the operations that you can perform on it are separated from the underlying implementation. ABSTRACT DATA TYPES
ADT & Objects. We define a Stack ADT with LIFO(Last in-first out) characteristics that requires special operations. We do not specify whether the underlying implementation must be an array or a linked list. The ADT specifies what can be done, not how it is to be done, The concept of the ADT is separate from the details of how it stores its data and implements its operations. 10
Data Structures and Interfaces 11 Classes are perfect for ADT’s because all objects have a well-defined interface whose implementation is hidden in the class. In Java, an ADT is expressed in an Interface and implemented in a concrete data structure – specifically in a class. The data structure is usually an array or a linked list. The class defines the data stored and how it is stored and what operations can be performed on it. E.g. in a Stack, items may only be taken from the top.
ADT’s – Abstract Data Types This encapsulated ADT is reusable and reliable because its interaction with the rest of the system is controlled. E.g., for an ArrayList, access to the collection is allowed anywhere in the array. ADT’s can be represented in classes by arrays or by linked lists. The choice of an array or a linked list depends upon the implementation 12
Basic Operations on Encapsulated Data A constructor is an operation that creates a new instance (object) of the data type. Transformers (sometimes called mutators) are operations that change the state of one or more of the data values. (setters and getters) 13
Basic Operations on Encapsulated Data An observer is an operation that allows us to observe the state of one or more of the data values with out changing them. The method peek() in a stack An iterator is an operation that allows us to process all the components in a data structure sequentially. 14
Data Levels of an ADT Logical (or abstract) level an ADT: Abstract view of the data values (the domain) and the set of operations to manipulate them. A Stack or Queue Application (or user) level: Here the application programmer uses the ADT to solve a problem. Implementation level: A specific representation of the structure to hold the data items, and the coding of the operations in a programming language. Can be implemented with either a linked list or an array 15
Communication between the Application Level and Implementation Level 16
Combining our Built-In Types and Classes into Versatile Hierarchies 1. Aggregate objects—The instance variables of our objects can themselves be references to objects. 2. Arrays of objects—Simply define an array whose components are objects. 17
Example of an Aggregate Object Suppose we define: public class Point { private int xValue private int yValue Then, we could define a new circle class as: public class NewCircle { private Point location;// class contains another object private float radius; public boolean solid; } 18
Designing ADTs Determine the general purpose. List the specific types of operations the application program performs. Identify a set of public methods to be provided by the ADT class that allow the application program to perform the desired operations. 19
Designing ADTs Identify other public methods which help make the ADT generally usable. Identify potential error situations and classify into 1. Those that are handled by throwing an exception 2. Those that are handled by contract 3. Those that are ignored. 20
Designing ADTs 6. Define the needed exception classes. 7. Decide how to structure the data. 8. Decide on a protection level for the identified data. 9. Identify private structures and methods. 10. Implement the ADT. 11. Create a test driver and test your ADT. 21
The ArrayList Class Part of the java.util package. Functionality is similar to that of an array. However, an array list can grow and shrink; its size is not fixed for its lifetime. Thus is virtually a vector. Hold variables of type Object. Capacities grow and shrink, depending on need. 22
Array Lists An array list has a size indicating how many objects it is currently holding, and Has a capacity indicating how many elements the underlying implementation could hold without having to be increased. 23
24 Implementing Lists with Arrays An array implementation of a list could follow strategies similar to those used for a queue – which we will look at later We could fix the beginning of the list at index 0 and shift as needed when an element is added or removed However, there is no avoiding a shift when an element in the middle is added or removed Let's examine the fixed version
ArrayList Operations 25
Use an array list when Space is an issue. The amount of space required may change from one execution of the program to the next. The actively used size of an array list changes during execution. 5. The position of an element in the array list has no relevance to the application ad ArrayList is not ordered. 28