Summary of the Reactor/ 13 Meeting At College de France, Paris April 22-23, 2003 Thierry Lasserre On Behalf the reactor/ 13 “european” working group CEA/Saclay Low energy Neutrino Workshop University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa May
European momentum Working group: PCC & APC (from CHOOZ), CEA/Saclay MPI Heidelberg TU Munchen, Kurchatov Institute INFN/Bologna First meeting in December 2002 Second meeting in April 2003 Next around the end of the summer ? Goal: Is it possible to build a set of 2 detectors to measure/constrain 13 with a new reactor experiment before ? Where ? What the optimum detector design ? Preliminary answer should come this year T. Lasserre
European momentum 22-23/04/03 Meeting : List of Participants H. de Kerret (PCC+APC) M. Obolinski (PCC+APC) O. Dadoun (PCC+APC) D. Vignaud (PCC+APC) J. Lamblin (PCC+APC) S. Schoenert (MPIK) T. Knoepfle (MPIK) L. Oberauer (TUM) F. Von Feilitzsch (TUM) C. Hagner (Virginia Polytechnic Institute) T. Schwetz (TUM) M. Selvi (INFN, Bologna) M. Cribier (Saclay+APC) C. Cavata (Saclay) T.L (Saclay) … T. Lasserre
Reactor/ 13 meeting, Paris, 22-23/04/03 Tuesday 22 April 14h – 14h15 : Introduction 14h15 – 15h15 : Reactor Neutrino Experiments compared to Superbeams (Thomas Schwetz, TUM – 45’+15’) 15h15 – 16h00 : The CHOOZ experiment & the |Ue3|2 measurement – review of systematic errors. How and where to improve ? (H. de Kerret – 30’+15’) 16h00 – 16h30 : Coffee break 16h30 – 17h30 : Review of the current proposals (Kr2Det, Kashiwasaki, etc …) – Potential experiment sites in France ? (T. L – 45’+15’) 17h30 – 18h00 : Discussion Wednesday 23 April 9h00 - 9h30 : Analysis methods to account for near and far detectors – Systematic error handling (T. Schwetz, TUM, 30’) 09h30 – 10h15 : Discussion – Backgrounds: Accidental – Correlated – In-situ measurements (chaiperson: Stefan Schoenert) 10h15 – 10h45 : Coffee break 10h45 – 11h30 : Discussion - Detector design (chairperson: Lothar Oberauer) 11h30 – 12h30 : Conclusions
Parameter degeneracy in LBL experiments LBL disappearance gives: sin 2 (2 23 ) 2 solutions : 23 & /2- 23 | m 2 13 | 2 solutions m 1 >m 3 or m 3 >m 1 LBL appearance probability given by: K 1,K 2,K 3 : known constants (within experimental error) dependence on sin(2 23 ), sin( 23 ) 2 solutions dependence on sign( m 2 31 ) 2 solutions -CP phase can run in [0,2 ] Interval of solutions in general P( e ) ~ K 1 sin 2 ( 23 ) sin 2 (2 13 ) + K 2 sin(2 23 ) sin( 13 ) sign( m 2 31 ) cos( ) K 3 sin(2 23 ) sin( 13 ) sin ( ) T. Lasserre |U e3 | 2 measurement with reactors Few MeV e disappearance experiments 1-P( e e ) = sin 2 (2 13 )sin 2 ( m 2 31 L/4E) + O( m 2 21 / m 2 31 ) Few MeV e + very short baseline No matter effect contribution (O(10 -4 ) relative effect) |U e3 | 2 measurement independent of sign( m 2 13 ) |U e3 | 2 measurement independent of the -CP phase sin 2 (2 13 ) P( e )
Achievable constraint on 13 with a reactor experiment (hep-ph/ , P. Huber et. al.) T. Schwetz
Achievable constraint on 13 with a reactor experiment (hep-ph/ , P. Huber et. al.) T. Schwetz
~30-50 tons detectors Complementarity Reactor/Superbeam (hep-ph/ , P. Huber et. al.) Reactor experiment slightly less sensitive to “non optimal” m 2 31 LBL (JHF) rather sensitive to m 2 21 (especially if LMA-II) T. Schwetz
Complementarity Reactor/Superbeam (hep-ph/ , P. Huber et. al.) Systematics Correlations & Degeneracies Reactor: dominated by systematics LBL: dominated by correlations and degeneracies T. Schwetz
The past: CHOOZ (H.D.K) Site: CHOOZ reactor, Ardennes (France) 2 cores: 2x4200 MWth Depth: 300 mwe 5 tons of liquid scintillator (gadolinium loaded) ~ 1 km Exclusion e : m 2 sol < 7x10 -4 eV 2 (90% CL) (slightly lower limit obtained at Palo-Verde) Best constraint on sin 2 (2 13 ) < 0.14 Spectre des positrons e + p e + + n
CHOOZ Systematics (H.D.K) T. Lasserre Systematics From Error originCHOOZ 2 non-identical detectors 2 identical detectors 2 id. detectors + low accidentals Remarks Reactor Complex cross section/fission1.9%--- Power0.7%--- E/Fission0.6%--- 2.1%<< 1% Detector Scint. Density0.1%---+difficult with Gd Target volume0.3%No cancellation- ( V) % H1.2%---+difficult with Gd Spill in/out1.0%No cancellation--Scint. buffer 2.5%<< 1% Analysis Cuts Ee+<8 Mev 6<En (MeV)<12 de+-geode<30cm dn-geode<30cm de+-n < 100 cm 2 < n delay < 100 s n multiplicity = 1 e+ energy0.8%No cancellation ?-No threshold 0%Scint. buffer e+ pos. cut / vessel (30cm)0.1%No cancellation ?-- n capture1.0%No cancellation ?--Scint buffer n energy0.4%No cancellation ?--Gd 8 MeV ’s n pos. cut / vessel (30 cm)0.1%No cancellation ?-- (e+-n) distance0.3%No cancellation ?- No Distance cut 0% (e+-n) time delay0.4%No cancellation ?--No Gd ~0% n multiplicity0.5%No cancellation ?-Much better 1.5%<< 1 % ? Be carfull: It is also possible to increase CHOOZ systematics (scintillating buffer for exemple) Detector design with 2 identical low background detectors Overall systematics controlled at < 1%
Energy threshold effect If E th > E min systematics due to threshold Lower threshold lower backgrounds (accidental+correlated) Advantage if E th < E min : No systematics on energy threshold (0.8% in CHOOZ, xx% in KamLAND) Start of the spectrum provides calibration point between near and far detctors Allow to understand & measure background at low energy (<1 MeV) Positron Detection (H.D.K) T. Lasserre Edge effects: Interaction of close to the target volume No scintillating buffer : One ’s can escape without being detected Energy calibration ! Scintillating buffer (CHOOZ case) : full energy of e+ always detected within the target BUT e+ efficiency non zero outside the target volume to control ! Spill in/out : compensation of loss and gain of efficiency near the vessel Cancel if near and far detector are identical Identical detector No absolute energy scale needed To check: Light propagation around the vessel
Neutron Detection (H.D.K) T. Lasserre Gd loaded scintillator: To be or not to be ? Gd 8 MeV ’s H 2 2.2 MeV ’s Edge effect: H 2 scintillator + non-scintillating buffer spill out n-capture with target : decrease efficiency ( ’s escape) spill in n-capture outside target : increase efficiency ( ’s come back in target) partial compensation = spill in/out (MC, 1% error in CHOOZ) Cancel if near and far detector are identical Other reasons to have 2 identical detectors Ratio Gd/H 2 capture (~80% on Gd) – Error will depend on detector geometry Time capture on Gd: the tail has no reason to be exponential Energy window for n capture on Gd/H 2
(e + - n) Tag (H.D.K) T. Lasserre Distance Cut: d(e+ - n)<100 cm Position reconstruction is not a technique at the % level (tails) ! Position reconstruction was not in CHOOZ design Not mandatory if accidental background very low Lower accidental background: 1 systematic error less ! Time Cut: neutron capture on Hydrogen: exponential behavior of neutron time capture (can be demonstrated) Gadolinium: exponential behaviour ? Increase systematics 0.4% systematics in CHOOZ Lower accidental background: no need of Gd ?
Accidental background rate: b acc ~ b p x b d x x V coinc x V det Goal: rate b acc < 1/year within a 20 tons PXE target detector Case 1: with position reconstruction V det = 1 m 3 Constraint b p.b d < s -2 m -6 CHOOZ systematics = 0.4% Case 2: without position reconstruction 0% systematics V det = V det Constraint b p.b d < s -2 m -6 With Borexino material for estimation : b p b d = s -2 m -8 ! Position reconstruction no required but … at the limit … (Argument valid only for radioactivity in scint., buffer, material, etc …) b p, b d : specific prompt, delayed rate V det : detector volume 20m³ : coincidence time 1ms V coinc : coincidence volume 1m³ or V det Backgrounds from radioactivity Based on estimation done for the HLMA project, S.Schoenert, T.L, & L.Oberauer, Astropart.Phys. 18 (2003) Accidental background (S.S, L.O, T.L)
Detector Design: Scintillator T. Lasserre Unloaded scintillator provide best: Optical properties (light yield, attenuation lenght) Radiopurity Stability PSD !!! To fight fast neutron background Gd loaded scintillator Shorten neutron capture time x~3 Helps only for accidental background Increase neutron capture energy release to 8 MeV instead of 2.2 MeV on Hydrogen Chemical stability (but CHOOZ, Palo-Verde, and LENS > 5-8% loading) Radiopurity ? More difficult Gd/H neutron capture systematics If Gd: same batch to be used for both detectors to avoid effect such as systematics on the Gd content of the near and far detectors … etc …
Detector Design: Buffer T. Lasserre Question: scintillating or non-sintillating buffer ? Scintillating Help to get positron energy No energy threshold 0% systematics ! Help to get neutron 2.2/8 MeV peak BUT high activity in buffer due to PMTs 40 K BUT high activity in buffer due to muons crossing the buffer (no shallow depth) More expensive ? Same fluor / wavelenght shifter? time constants ? Non-scintillating Not the CHOOZ design More difficult to understand positron + neutron spectrum ? Increase of systematics : cut for energy threshold ! Light prop. around vessel ! Solution: scintillating buffer + encapsulated PMTs and deep detector site ?
Detector Design: Vessel(s) T. Lasserre Vessel(s) = separation between Target and Buffer Target Volume uncertainty: Near detector : V near & V near Far detector: V far & V far Ideally V near = V far systematics cancel but relative error ~ O( V near - V far ) Nylon Vessel (BOREXINO, KamLAND) : Should not be underestimated … Volume & shape more difficult to control ? Compatibility with PC Buoyancy problems if slight density differences between target and buffer Plexigass Vessel Volume & Shape well under control Compatibility problems ? Contains protons act as a target Shape of the vessel : Spherical ? CHOOZ like ?
The 3-Volume detector (H.D.K) T. Lasserre CHOOZ: Gd-loaded scintillator + H scintillating buffer BOREXINO: H scintillator + Non-scintillating buffer 3V detector: H2/Gd loaded scintillator + Proton free scintillator + Non-scintillating buffer 3V detector: Gd Target + H2 sint. Buffer + Non-scintillating buffer A very nice detector, and easier to understand ? See the start of the positron spectrum No threshold effect for positron energy n-capture peak very well defined Target volume perfectly defined No PMT activity seen (non scintillating buffer) Technically ? Need to construct a 2-volume inner vessel plexiglass Proton free scintillator expensive C 6 F 6 – Expensive ? – d = 1.6 (shielding, buoyancy problem)