1 Organisational and pedagogical conditions for education of children with disabilities by means of inclusive education Natalya Artyushenko
2 Children with disabilities Children who are mentally and (or) physically retarded or have developmental problems and require special conditions for education Children who are mentally and (or) physically retarded or have developmental problems and require special conditions for education
3 Inclusive education A term used to describe the education process for children with disabilities in ordinary schools where special conditions (social, organisational, pedagogical, regulatory and legal) are set up for this purpose. A term used to describe the education process for children with disabilities in ordinary schools where special conditions (social, organisational, pedagogical, regulatory and legal) are set up for this purpose.
4 Stages in including a child with disabilities in the general educational process Stage 1 - comprehensive psychological medical and pedagogical diagnostics: First level: First level: - initial identification of the child by psychological-medical- pedagogical panel established in a general educational institution; - by Federal State Institution (FSI) Medical-Social expertise; - by medical and preventive treatment facilities; - by social support centres. Second level – examination at the city psychological-medical- pedagogical commission for children with disabilities.
5 Stage 2 Development and correction of speech, intellectual, and sensorial development through the network of educational institutions 1. Education in compensatory type kindergartens and groups. 2. Corrective exercises with disabled children who are not attending pre-school institutions owing to their state of health, at a pre-school institution according to an individual shedule. 3. Education of children with early childhood developmental problems in ordinary kindergartens. 4. Education in diagnostic preparatory and primary classes of special (correctional) schools of type VIII. 5. Education of children in supplementary education institutions.
6 Stage 3. Placement in general educational institutions 1. Creation of a municipal regulatory and legal framework for identifying, selecting, and placing children with disabilities in education institutions. 2. Individual study programmes in general education institutions. 3. Monitoring of education of children with disabilities by Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission experts.
Creation of pedagogical conditions for teaching children with disabilities by means of inclusive education 1. Creation of an adaptive educational environment. 2. Psychological, medical and pedagogical support. 3. Change of organisational forms and educational methods for children with disabilities. 4. Scientific-methodological (educational) support. 5. Changing attitudes in society towards children with disabilities.
Psychological, medical and pedagogical support. 1. Comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical diagnosis. 2. Development of an individual educational programme. 3. Monitoring of the child’s development. 4. Individual and group correctional exercises for development children with disabilities.
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