Paul Jones Web 2.0 New Technologies and new interactions
Paul Jones
RSS (is all you need?) XML for updates Generated by most CMS and Blog software Read by iTunes, Sage, Bloglines, etc Pulled at client’s request or scheduled by client Basis of Podcasts and vBlogcasts
Paul Jones Wiki + Blog + Podcast Blog driven Wiki organized Unconference of 300+ Blog reported Podcast archived
Paul Jones AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript + XML standards-based presentation using XHTML and CSS; dynamic display and interaction using the Document Object Model; data interchange and manipulation using XML and XSLT; asynchronous data retrieval using XMLHttpRequest; and JavaScript binding everything together.
Paul Jones Examples Google Maps (reusable via open API)Google Maps ClaimID (Build a resume and claim who you are)ClaimID Flickr (photo sharing)Flickr (Annotated bookmarks) (Music lists and radio)
Paul Jones Won’t Work Without Passion People, Purpose, Policy from Preece
Paul Jones Links and Resources Tim O’Reilly on Web 2.0 AJAX: A New Approach (2/15/05) Folksonomy (from Wikipedia) RSS (from Podcasting (from Apple) Podcastercon