Abigail Lee NURS 451
Patient-centered care QSEN Competency (QSEN, 2014)
Knowledge Patient-centered Care (Kolcaba, 2010) (Mok & Chiu, 2004, p.482)
Skills Patient-centered Care
Attitudes Patient-centered Care (Current Nursing, 2011)
L: Look back and reflect on an experience E: Elaborate and describe feelings A: Analyze the experience R: Revise for improvement N: New trial LEARN Process
Current Nursing (2011, February 10). Comfort Theory. Retrieved June 23, 2014, from hy_Kolcaba.html Kolcaba, K., Stoner, M., & Durr, K. (2010). The Comfort Line. Retrieved June 23,2014, from Mok, E., & Chiu, P. C. (2004). Nurse–patient relationships in palliative care. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(5), Retrieved from QSEN Institute (2014). Pre-Licensure KSAs. Retrieved June 23, 2014, from Smeltzer, S. C., Bare, B. G., Hinkle, J. L., & Cheever, K. H. (2010). Medical-surgical nursing (12th ed.). Philedelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams &Wilkin. References