Mahabharat War By: Tejas Paramkusham
Pranams to Gurudeva Om Ajnana Timirandhasya Jnaanaanjana Salaakaya Caksur Unmilitam yena Tasmai Sri Gurave Namah (Prema Bhakti Cantrika) [ O Gurudeva! I offer my humble pranams from my inner heart. With the torch light of divine knowledge you open my eyes blinded by darkness of ignorance.]
What is the Mahabharat War?
Bhagavad Gita Before the Mahabharat war started Krishna told Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna as why he should fight. Bhagavad Gita is a very important scripture for the entire humanity. It is not just a Hindu scripture.
Days 1-4
Days 5-9
Day 10
Days 11-12
Day 13
Day 14-15
Days 16-17
Day 18
Quiz Time!!
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