STAGES OF LIFE.  Each life in itself moves through several distinct stages, each of which calls for its own unique response.  If we ask, therefore,


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Presentation transcript:


 Each life in itself moves through several distinct stages, each of which calls for its own unique response.  If we ask, therefore, how should we life? Hinduism would answer that it depends not only on what kind of person you are but also in which stage of life you are.

 Starts between ages eight and twelve and lasts approximately twelve years.  Main focus is on learning as much as possible from our teacher/ sage/ guru, who is usually a family member.

 Major transition from student to household is marriage.  Time to satisfy the first three wants of humans: pleasure through family, success through vocation and duty through responsibilities such as citizen  Most people do not go beyond this stage.

 Known as forest dweller or retiree  Key point is that you finally have time to contemplate your faith.  Some known as forest dwellers because they move to an isolated area to develop an attitude of detachment from the world.  A time for working out a philosophy and working it into yourself.

 Known as ascetic or sannyasin  Renounce everything because “things” cause distractions and cloud judgment; “things” are maya.  Defined in the Bhagavad-Gita as “one who neither hates nor loves anything”

A Sannyasin