Social Studies Network Learning Social Studies Online: strategies, tools, practices, and content April
Collaborate Need to Know Items: Click on the Talk button to enable your microphone. Your microphone has been enabled when a microphone appears on the button.
Meeting topics: A.Learning Social Studies online B.Upcoming Events & Topics C.What’s on your mind
PA Academic Standards for Social Studies
Reading and Writing per the CCSS
National Council for the Social Studies
World History Teachers Blog
US History Teachers Blog
US Gov Teachers Blog
cK-12 Social Studies BooksSocial Studies
OER Commons
OER Commons saving a resource
Power My Learning
Google Lesson Plan SearchLesson Plan
Google Cultural InstituteCultural Institute
YouTube for schoolsfor schools
Looking for Rubrics on SAS
Looking for Rubrics Where have you found good rubrics??? Type in Chat or press Talk button
BIE Rubric for Developing RubricsRubric for Developing Rubrics
Bookshare Bookshare Books for People with Disabilities
LDCLDC Template Tasks
LDCLDC Template Tasks
LDCLDC Sample Modules
Searching for Primary Source Documents Hidden Collections Initiative for Pennsylvania Small Archival Repositories
Searching for Primary Source Documents Searchable finding aids covering large and small archival collections
Finding Places Close to Me
What does rigorous online Social Studies learning look like? Type in the Chat or Click on the Talk button to enable your microphone. When your microphone has been enabled a microphone appears on the button and you can be heard.
What Does It Looks Like? Online interactive materials Multiple online measures over time Adherence to technology standards Video, audio, browser support… Social, visual, multimedia Looks and behaves as if content AND assessments were built to live online
What Does an Online Course Rubric Look Like? Online Course Rubric
Upcoming Events & Topics Student Learning Objectives (SLO) Model SLOs are being developed through PDE by participating district and IU personnel. Release dates: First release of 2 Model SLOs per academic area is targeted for late May / early June. With more SLOs to be released later., and content.
Open Forum: What’s on your mind? Click on the Talk button to enable your microphone. When your microphone has been enabled a microphone appears on the button and you can be heard.
Social Studies Network