THE GAMEBOARD Team Saucebox Alicia Gaghan Mark Sugiyama Software Lead Alex Hanemann Industry Advisor Karl Cyr Faculty Advisor Dr. Wayne Lu
Background Electronic game board Improve the aesthetics and functionality of classic and contemporary board games Play against an AI opponent using real pieces
Finished Product
Methods Standard dimensions Selection of components Testing Wire wrapping
Architecture Three Components LCD LED Array Sensor Array LCD LEDsSensors
LCD Display
LED Array
One Board
Sensor Array
Sensor: Infrared LED
Sensor: Transistor
Top: All Boards
Underside: All Boards
Results Average rating of 4.78/5. “I want one of these!” “That was fun! Very neat.” “Very cool idea.” “This is an awesome project! Kickstarter?”
Issues LEDs Design Flaws Sunlight
Demonstration Checkers Demo Checkers Demo
Conclusion Delivered as intended Even better than expected Single 9V battery Room for improvement/extra features
Acknowledgements Dr. Andrew Nuxoll Dr. Wayne Lu Karl Cyr Alan Hansen and Jacob Amos