TBI Alert Inventor: James Stone MD, FACS, FACNS an ICP monitor 1 Non-invasive Measurement of Intracranial Pressure (ICP) after Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) Inventor: James Stone MD, FACS, FACNS
The Magnitude of the Problem 2 The Magnitude of the Problem TBI Affects 1.4 Million Americans per Year Direct and Indirect medical costs exceed $60 Billion per Year TBI Accounts for 3% of all Injuries, but 11% of all Medical Costs 16% of all Injury Productivity Loss Clinical Deterioration within Hours to Days after Injury due to Bleeding or Brain Swelling – Leads to Increased ICP About 20% of Moderate TBI and 2% of Mild TBI Patients Severely Deteriorate or Die If Detected and Treated in Time, Lives can be Saved
Our Invention – TBI ALERT 3 Our Invention – TBI ALERT Monitors Critical Brainstem Integrity Conventional Treatment for Mild/Moderate TBI is only Observation and Repeat CT Brain Scans; Invasive ICP Monitoring Reserved for Severe TBI Deterioration is Difficult to Timely Detect due to Patient Sedation and Altered Consciousness as well as Nurses’ Busy TBI Alert allows Non-invasive, Continuous, Bedside ICP Monitoring for Mild/Moderate TBI, Stroke, Hydrocephalus and Tumor Patients May Replace Need for Some Invasive ICP Procedures in Coma Patients
Standard of Care vs. Our Invention ICP Monitor Standard of Care vs. Our Invention Invasive ICP monitor Our non-invasive ICP monitor
Comparison with Competing Devices Monitor Brainstem Integrity Automated Reading Alarmed Remote Monitoring Continuous Physician / Technician Not Required For Mild/ Moderate Patients Sensitive Non- Invasive Invasive ICP - MRI Eye Peripheral Auditory
Large Market Potential 6 Large Market Potential About 250,000 Americans with TBI Hospitalized per Year 80% (200,000) Mild TBI – 2% Deteriorate/Die and 9.75% Not Working ≥ 1 year 10% (25,000) Moderate TBI – 20% Deteriorate/Die and 19% Not Working ≥ 1 year U.S. Military in Iraq and Afghanistan - 2,882 reported TBI Cases In the U.S., Per Year 750,000 Stroke Victims – 140,000 Die 75,000 Hydrocephalus Cases 22,500 Brain Tumors Detected – 13,000 Die