1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS2 Bulk Shielding calculations Methodology P.K. Job Radiation Physicist Peer Review 2007 March 27, 2007.


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Presentation transcript:

1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS2 Bulk Shielding calculations Methodology P.K. Job Radiation Physicist Peer Review 2007 March 27, 2007

2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Outline Source Terms due to beamloss Radiation Attenuation Lengths Beamloss assumptions Bulk Shielding calculation Methodology Beam Stop Calculation Methodology Skyshine Calculations

3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Radiation Types Considered Bremsstrahlung from electron beamloss Bremsstrahlung produced neutrons by Giant Resonance Interaction Bremsstrahlung produced high energy neutrons

4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Bulk Shielding Calculational Tools Swanson ’ s Empirical Method Sullivan ’ s Modification (CERN) Shield 11 Program Based on Empirical Method EGS4 Monte Carlo Electron-Gamma Shower Program

5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Empirical Method (Swanson) Radiation Dose Equivalent Factors Thick target bremsstrahlung source term due to electron beam loss as a function of scattering angle is given by Swanson

6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Radiation Dose Equivalent Factors at 90 0 (comparison) Radiation Component Dose equivalent factors(mrem.m 2 /J) (Swanson) Dose equivalent factors(mrem.m 2 /J) (Sullivan) Dose equivalent factors(mrem.m 2 /J) (Shield 11) Bremsstrahlung Giant Resonance Neutrons High Energy Neutrons

7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Empirical Method Radiation Dose Equivalent Factors at 90 0 (used for the calculations)

8 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Radiation Dose Equivalent Factors (used for the calculations) At 0 0 ( in the direction of the beam) = 8.3 E mrem.m 2 / J In the forward direction (other than 0 0 ) = 0.85 rem.m 2 / J These factors are same for all methods.

9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Radiation Attenuation factors (comparison) Radiation Component Shielding Material Attenuation Length (Hub) (g / cm 2 ) Attenuation Length (Shiel) (g / cm 2 ) BremsstrahlungConcrete Lead Iron Giant Resonance Neutrons Concrete Lead Iron High Energy Neutrons Concrete Lead Iron

10 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Radiation Attenuation factors (used for the calculations)

11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Beamloss Scenario 1

12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Beamloss Scenario 2

13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Storage Ring Beamloss Scenarios (Summary)

14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beamloss Scenarios used for Calculations

15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Bulk Shielding Calculation Methodology

16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beam Stop Calculation Methodology

17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Beam Stop Dimensions Fe Beam Stop Dimensions for the 3.5 GeV e - Beam (to Contain 99 % of the EM Shower) 35 cm (20 X 0 ) 4.2 cm (3 M) e - Beam Fe Cylinder

18 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Skyshine Calculation Methodology

19 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Skyshine Estimates due to Booster Beam Stop