Why is it so important that we take a Wellness class? It is more important than any subject you will take while you are in college. You will not be able to live life to its fullest and accomplish what you desire to accomplish without your health.
What has changed over the last century? Transportation: how we get from place to place. Very little energy expenditure. Almost everyone has a car or some other form of transportation that takes little to no energy to go from place to place. Transportation: how we get from place to place. Very little energy expenditure. Almost everyone has a car or some other form of transportation that takes little to no energy to go from place to place. Food: in today’s lifestyle we spend almost no energy getting or preparing our food. Our food has also changed in the way we grow and prepare it. Food: in today’s lifestyle we spend almost no energy getting or preparing our food. Our food has also changed in the way we grow and prepare it. Occupations: how we spend 30 to 60 hours a week. Occupations of today require very little energy and are very stressful. Occupations: how we spend 30 to 60 hours a week. Occupations of today require very little energy and are very stressful.
Reasons we die: vaccines and medical treatment have allowed us to extend our lives well into our late 70s and many people live past 90 years of age. Reasons we die: vaccines and medical treatment have allowed us to extend our lives well into our late 70s and many people live past 90 years of age. How we spend our spare time: we are surround by entertainment and technology that occupies our free time instead of active outdoor activities. How we spend our spare time: we are surround by entertainment and technology that occupies our free time instead of active outdoor activities. Technology has changed our lifestyles in so many positive ways, but it may also be killing us. Video on the Importance of Physical Literacy – See Video 1 This holds true for Americans as well as anywhere in the world.
Wellness, it may save your life. We no longer exercise ourselves in our daily routines, such as getting our food, transportation, and our occupations. We no longer exercise ourselves in our daily routines, such as getting our food, transportation, and our occupations. Education is the first step in knowing what we can do to use these advances in technology to benefit us instead of harm us. Education is the first step in knowing what we can do to use these advances in technology to benefit us instead of harm us. You must put that knowledge to use, each individual must find their inner motivation. You must put that knowledge to use, each individual must find their inner motivation. Without good health and wellness you can not enjoy life to its fullest. Without good health and wellness you can not enjoy life to its fullest.