SOP for malaria case surveillance Vietnam team
Advanced Control/pre-elimination SOP for case-based malaria surveillance for advanced control/pre-elimination phase - PCD Content Advanced Control/pre-elimination Elimination Purpose of PCD To target intervention, detect outbreak and track progress Detect local and imported cases as soon as possible Investigation and classify each case and focus Provided immediate response and monitor progress toward malaria elimination Essential data Name, age, sex, pregnant, address, occupation, ethnicity, epi. Zone, fever, examination (microscopy/RDT), result of examination, Dx, Tx. Name, age, sex, pregnant, address (permanent & temporary), occupation, ethnicity, epi. Zone, commune, village, onset of fever and fever in family members, history of travel, probable source of infection, examination (microscopy/RDT), result of examination, parasite count + gametocyte, Dx, Tx.
Data recording form
Data flow chart in advance control phase
Pre/Elimination Ministry of Health Central and Regional hospitals Ministries NIMPE/IMPEs Provincial Health Service Private hospitals Provincial Center for malaria Provincial hospital District Health Service District Health center District Hospital Commune health center Inter-communal polyclinic Private clinic Private practitioner Private companies Village Health Workers
Time for data report Advance control phase Elimination phase NIMPE/IMPEs NIMPE/IMPEs Day 15 Provincial Provincial Within 24 hours (Web-based) Day 10 District District Within 24 hours Day 5 Communal Communal immediately Village Village
Responsible for recording and transmission Commune – commune health staff District: M&E staff Province: data manager Central: staff at the Statistic unit of Malaria/epidemiology
Data on blood examination Current: Pv, P.f, P.m, P.o, mix infection In the pre-elimination/elimination: parasite count, gametocyte presence
Data use and level in control phase To target intervention, Detect outbreak and Track progress at commune level
Advanced Control/pre-elimination SOP for case-based malaria surveillance for advanced control/pre-elimination phase - ACD Content Advanced Control/pre-elimination Elimination Purpose of ACD Detection of cases in high risk groups especially migrant (limited) Fill to the gaps in PCD system, in order to detect infection as early as possible, with particular focus on high risk groups Essential data Name, age, sex, pregnant, address, occupation, ethnicity, epi. Zone, fever, examination (microscopy/RDT), result of examination, Dx, Tx. Name, age, sex, pregnant, address (permanent & temporary), occupation, ethnicity, epi. Zone, commune, village, onset of fever, history of travel, fever of family member, probable source of infection, examination (microscopy/RDT), result of examination, parasite count + gametocyte, Dx, Tx.
Responsible for recording and transmission Village health worker, Commune Health staff. District: M&E staff Province: M&E staff Central: Statistic staff in Epidemiology department
Data on blood examination Current: Pv, P.f, P.m, P.o, mix (if use RDT, only P.v, P.f an mix) In the pre-elimination/elimination: parasite count, gametocyte only in microscopy. PCR in elimination phase.
Data use and level in control phase Detection of cases in high risk groups especially migrant and mobile people
1.2. Case investigation for Elimination phase Purpose: To know whether indigenous or imported case Details of confirmed cases To target the response
Responsible for filling the form and timeline Real time (24 h) reporting from Commune to district regarding the case. Jointly Commune and district health staff will conduct investigation within 3 days, district staff fill the form. Data will transmitted by Web NIMPE and IMPEs check data Commune, district staff will use this data (immediately) Subsequently, provincial and central levels use this data for monitoring, planning purposes.
1.3. RDT in elimination phase Purpose: Outbreak Case detection - Malaria posts along the border and near the forest. ACD Responsible: – Village level Staff at malaria post Commune health staff
1.3. Microscopy in elimination phase Purpose: Case detection – at all levels. ACD Responsible: Commune health staff Other health staff at all levels
Double check by microscopy Currently, RDTs positives are double checked by microscopy (RDT is used only in 29 provinces out of 63). In elimination phase, positive RDT will be double checked by microscopy in whole country Commune health staff will prepare blood slide from RDT positive, and send to District level. In case of negative RDT, only in 14 provinces (high malaria endemic and drug resistance) will be cross checked by microscopy. Commune health staff will prepare slides and send to district.
Discrepancies of result Currently, district, provincial and central levels data is cleaned for discrepancies Will seek possibilities to conduct this in the web