MORAL DILEMMAS Natalia Antúnez Lisbet Avila Lucia Campo Marina Diaz Micaela Monsalve Language V 2013
MORAL DILEMMAS - DEFINITION What does moral mean to you? A DILEMMA is a situation in which it is very difficult to decide what to do, because all the choices seem equally good or equally bad (Longman English Dictionary) A situation which causes problems, often one in which you have to make a very difficult choice between things of equally importance. (Thesaurus Dictionary)
A MORAL DILEMMA IS… a situation where no solution seems morally correct. The essence of a moral dilemma is choosing between two or more competing values or beliefs. In the play “Doubt” by John Patrick Shanley all the characters face moral dilemmas.
FATHER FLYNN Father Flynn faces his own moral dilemma when he doesn’t know whether to continue protecting the Donald, the first black boy of the school, or not.
SISTER ALOYSIUS “I believe this man is creating or has already brought about an improper relationship with your son”. “It´s just till June”. “Please leave my son out of this. My husband would kill that child over a thing like this”.
SISTER JAMES “When you take a step to address wrong doing, you’re taking a step away from God, but in his service.” “Have you forgotten the message of the Saviour to us all. Loce. Not suspicion, desapproval and judgment.”
MRS. MULLER Mrs. Muller faces a moral dilemma when she doesn’t know whether to accuse the only person who has protected her son and so ruin her son’s chances from g graduating from a prestiguos school, or to eave leave things as they are.
Conclusion "There's no closure at the end of the play" "You're left to your own resources.“ "Doubt is certain to leave audiences with uncertainty about who actually did what in the play, the characters' motives and the many issues it exposes.”