F ALL M ASTER S CHEDULE C OLLECTION Webinar Presentation September 22 and 24, 2015
O VERVIEW ● Fall MSC Reminders/Virtual VA reporting ● Changes ● Deadlines ● Questions?
MSC No changes to the layout or reports!
SCED C ROSSWALK ● Make sure you look at the changes to the SCED crosswalk There are several additions and deletions, especially in CTE (many “III” level classes are being deactivated) ● The most recent version is September 3, 2015 Available on the MSC web page There may be another version released for Fall
C LEANING U P Y OUR D ATA ● Please start cleaning up your and (Local Elective) data There are many divisions using these codes when there are actual course codes that can be used Example: Grade 3 Math should not be reported with a code since it has its own code ● Exclude unnecessary courses from reporting We do not need homeroom, discipline, Christmas concert, etc. data We have started using the data more and this data is not needed
CTE C ENTER R EPORTING R EMINDER ● Make sure that if you have a CTE center serving your students, you don’t report their data in your collection CTE centers report directly to DOE, so if you report the data, we get double the data/information ● You still need to report Governor’s School and Special Education center data in your MSC collection
V IRTUAL V IRGINIA R EPORTING ● Virtual VA now how its own Division and School Code The Division Code is 501 and The School Code is 0010 ● Use these codes to report your Virtual VA classes You no longer need to report Virtual VA classes under your division Continue to report Virtual VA as a “3” in the E Record
S CHOOL Y EAR ● Very few changes to the actual MSC layout We will be adding some C Record fields VA Sequence field Sequence field Other attributes ● New SCED codes (version 3.0) will be available in February from NCES, so a new crosswalk (old to new SCED codes) will be released in March New SCED codes will be used for reporting on the Fall 2016 MSC
S CHOOL Y EAR ● Virginia Course Codes will no longer be valid The VA Course Code field will be retired completely The field will become a filler field ● Please start converting/cleaning up any VA codes that you are still using There will no longer be codes for Special Education-specific classes Report the class being taught and then a defined class type in the D Record 0127 (Alternative Education) will be reviewed for a possible SCED code; Licensure will be deciding how to report this
D EADLINES ● The window for Fall MSC is scheduled to open on October 15, 2015 ● A successful submission of Fall MSC is due on December 11, 2015 A successful submission is necessary so that CTE (at both the local and state levels) can start reviewing data and making changes if necessary ● The signed verification reports for MSC, IPAL and SEDF are due on January 29, 2016