Prospect : Acquire : Penetrate
Affinity Marketing University Curriculum –Prospect –Acquire –Penetrate Field prospecting activity How you will benefit How it works –Academy –Development –Coaching Opportunities
Agenda: Orientation Affinity Marketing Academy –Overview (WIIFM) What Why (Statistics) –Schedule –Preparation
Affinity Marketing University The purpose of the university is to leverage the current resources and tools for acquiring affinity accounts. The consistent schedule of office huddles and the academy reinforce best practices in acquiring affinity accounts. The prospecting trips into the field validate classroom knowledge for acquiring affinity accounts. The identification of successful goals is critical to acquiring affinity accounts.
What’s in it for YOU? 94% of policyholders intend to renew 91% of policyholders would recommend us to a friend 94% overall satisfaction with Liberty Mutual Local sales reps draw 96% satisfaction rate from customers
Affinity Marketing University Schedule Orientation: virtual Local Sales Office Sessions 1.Prospect 2.Acquire Field prospecting activity 3.Penetrate
AMU: Preparation Employee Learning Center (TBD) Nanos (TBD) Step by Step Guide to Affinity One Stop Shop for Rep Success Pretest Executive Summary
P ERFORMANCE E VALUATION Classroom –4 point scale Attendance Participation Preparation Best Practices Post-test % score