Interactive Segment
Interactive Lecture I L S
Interactive Segment student generated questions problem solving generating ideas controversial topics student self-evaluation vary media
Student Generated Questions write a question guided reciprocal peer questioning press conference exam questions send a problem student-developed cases minute papers
Write a Question replace “Are there any questions?” ask each student write down 1-3 questions ask several students from volunteer to pick up some
Guided Reciprocal Peer Questioning list a set of question stem What is the main idea of…? What is a new example of…? What is the difference between…? each student write questions group of four discuss possible answers
Press Conference Alone or in pair Ask teacher or panel of assigned students
Exam Questions 1-3 students write down an exam question give them the format select > 4 groups write on the board ask the others to critique you can collect all!
Send a Problem team use a card front: write a review question back: write the consensus answer pass to other teams
Student-Developed Cases alone or group ask student to develop a case base on the covered theory in class, homework discuss several cases
Minute Papers end of class end of section pause of 1-3 min for writing most important point unresolved questions feedback use in next class
Student Generated Questions write a question guided reciprocal peer questioning press conference exam questions send a problem student-developed cases minute papers
Interactive Segment student generated questions problem solving generating ideas controversial topics student self-evaluation vary media
Problem Solving think (or write)-pair-share paired discussions practice exam question or homework problem finding illustrative quotation concrete images
Think-Pair Share pose a question higher level cognition 1 min for each student to think idea sharing 1 to 1 pair to pair
Paired Discussions 3-4 minutes discuss something to their pair
Practice Exam Questions homework problem sample exam question random student to report the answers
Finding Illustrative Quotation alone / group find a quotation to support the text of the day
Concrete Image ask each one to state concrete image, scene, event, moment list on the board
Problem Solving think (or write)-pair-share paired discussions practice exam question or homework problem finding illustrative quotation concrete images
Interactive Segment student generated questions problem solving generating ideas controversial topics student self-evaluation vary media
Generating Ideas brainstorming buzz groups roundtable truth statement picture making kisses & cracker
Brainstorming ask student to call out any ideas recording all ideas write them down no analyzing at first then critical discussion
Buzz Groups give 1-2 prepared questions discussion in each group report to the class synthesize the groups’ answers
Roundtable brainstorming saying aloud while writing each try to add up from what has been said.
Truth Statement ask group 3 true things about the issue examine the assumption good for introducing new topics
Picture Making choose illustratable principles group of student illustrate explain their illustration discussion
Kisses and Crackers pass out crackers and Hershey’s kisses
Generating Ideas brainstorming buzz groups roundtable truth statement picture making kisses & cracker
Interactive Segment student generated questions problem solving generating ideas controversial topics student self-evaluation vary media
Controversial Topics structured controversy reaction sheet value lines forced debate role playing
Structured Controversy member / group take different positions on an issue
Reaction Sheet present a controversial topic pass sheets to collect answers What ideas do you questions? What ideas are new to you? What ideas really hit home? discussion
Value Lines students line up a visible continuum four group from the continuum discussion
Forced Debate sit in different side of the room debate for their side for the opposites
Role Playing ask students to take roles volunteer for major roles time to prepare
Controversial Topics structured controversy reaction sheet value lines forced debate role playing
Interactive Segment student generated questions problem solving generating ideas controversial topics student self-evaluation vary media
Student Self-Evaluation end of a project have them write a brief evaluation of their learning What problems which you face… What solution which you find… What are your strength… What alternative plan… What if you have more time…
Interactive Segment student generated questions problem solving generating ideas controversial topics student self-evaluation vary media
Vary Media slide OHP picture clips music
Interactive Segment student generated questions problem solving generating ideas controversial topics student self-evaluation vary media