By:Hollie Riley MAKE 2013 PROJECT
The reason I picked this topic to do this project was because I helped my cousin make a movie for a project and it was pretty fun and editing was a breeze! So I figured that I should try to make a movie for this project. By the end of this project I really just wanted to be more experienced with editing software and get to know more about different types of editing styles and what I could really do with this project. In this presentation you will see the process of making the movie what we went through and how we fixed it. INTRO + TOPIC
To start off the class period I would think about what I needed to get done (because I didn’t have Google calendar at the time that was added a little bit later) most of the time that was filming and the script For the majority of the time in class I was working on the script then filming during AC Lab and/or lunch because it was easier to get the whole cast together without interrupting their class No team meetings or assignments (worked alone) Very little feedback throughout the project WORK REPORT
While filming the movie there was a lot of trial and error going on we had to experiment with the different backgrounds and and the lighting We also had some problems with the video quality which we were not able to fix because we did not have an iphone 5 transfer cord so we had to send them by text to the 4 phone that we had so some parts are really good quality some are really bad quality It was hard to get everyone’s attention at some point but I think the for the most part everyone did fine TRIAL AND ERROR
We had to make a few changes in the process of making the movie we had to change and take out things from the script because we had to film around the fact that some people couldn’t come to Mr. McCloud’s room to film so I had to take out people and improvise I also had to re film a lot of the movie because they were mysteriously deleted off of the phone we had recorded them on Another time the videos wouldn’t upload the right way so we had to re film more CHANGES IN PROCESS
At the beginning of this project I had planned to make this movie about 10 mins but with a time crunch and difficulty filming and getting everyone together it only ended up being about 4 mins What I did was, successfully finished most of the scenes the slides at the end were due to not enough time we were going to have video endings but I didn’t have enough time WORK PLAN
I do not think that the project was successful because the final product ended up being very confusing and hard to follow and we had problems with the video quality. I plan on fixing it even though I will not be in class SUCCESSFUL?
The final product I think turned out ok for the amount of time that I had to come up with a whole script and film and edit it all together 1 FINAL PRODUCT