Mother’s Day Researched via: Student Name: Navon Williams Date: 5/6/10
Historical Antecedents: The history of Mother's Day is centuries old and goes back to the times of ancient Greeks, who held festivities to honor Rhea, the mother of the gods. The early Christians celebrated the Mother's festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent to honor Mary, the mother of Christ. Interestingly, later on a religious order stretched the holiday to include all mothers, and named it as the Mothering Sunday. The English colonists settled in America discontinued the tradition of Mothering Sunday because of lack of time. In 1872 Julia Ward Howe organized a day for mothers dedicated to peace. It is a landmark in the history of Mother's Day.
Dates Around the World: As the US holiday was adopted by other countries and cultures, the date was changed to fit already existing celebrations honoring motherhood, like Mothering Sunday in the UK or the Orthodox celebration of Jesus in the temple in Greece. In some countries it was changed to dates that were significant to the majority religion, like the Virgin Mary day in Catholic countries, or the birthday of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic countries. Other countries changed it to historical dates, like Bolivia using the date of a certain battle where women participated.
Why do we celebrate the Mother’s Day? We celebrate mothers day to honor our mothers They do so much for us so we have to pay them back in return
My Message to my mom… Happy mothers day Thank you 4 all you have done for me If it wasn’t for you and GOD I don’t know where I would be Thank you Mom
Mom, Thank you for… Being there for me Giving me food to eat Clothes on my back For helping me with my problems